
But the subtle mention of being a lawyer is what makes the comment clever!  Trust me, I’m a lawyer.

to be fair,Jon Gruden knows how to game plan against the Chiefs. Hit them early and often! Hit them while they’re down! Break their spirit! Oh, wait. That’s not Gruden’s game plan, that’s Tyreek Hill’s Guide to Parenting” reads like a comment on this very website. All it needs is a subtle mention of being a lawyer.

The hoarding of money has led to the financial crises we see every year. So, yeah, someone has to care about it for it to change.

Since you asked:

This can work but only if we start taxing the shit out of billionaires. No one needs a billion dollars, and I think it gets lost on a lot of people just how big a number 1,000,000,000 is. And we have people with $40,000,000,000 just twiddling their thumbs and buying yachts.

Meh. I guess I just don’t see the harm in maybe over-correcting a bit in women’s favor after about.... FOREVER years of never being believed ever.

my wife (girlfriend at the time) was sexually assaulted (groped) by a friend who was a PT student practicing massages. She was scared to report it. I encouraged her to go to the hall Priest (Catholic college). The dude who groped her said “she sent me signals she was interested.” Sure, dude. She had to defend her

No you don’t. You don’t know a fucking thing about the power dynamics, about the way society has conditioned women to react to attacks, to anything that makes them uncomfortable. You have 0 fucking clue.

Lots of folks without avatars stepping up to the mic here and, boy... it is a treat.

I don’t think it’s nearly as unusual as you believe it is, and you really ought to educate yourself some more on the psychology of victims before you spout off about what is “typical” or “highly unusual.”

“It doesn’t mean your insensitive to women if you ask”

Well the complaint includes text messages (ie -evidence, not simply accusations) showing that at the VERY LEAST he’s a huge fucking asshole who sexually assaulted her. Also, she “willingly went back to his house” after he exposed himself and masturbated on her, not after the forcible rape (unless you’re referring to

Its amazing how men always know exactly how they would react and exactly what they would do if they were ever forcibly raped by a man (let alone a very famous man) when its something they have no reason to ever worry about.

Which would you really rather have when you grow up?

To be fair, it was a perfect triple murder with full layout into five pristine felonious somer-assaults.

There are assholes all around. But the assholes who work to pay as little tax revenue as possible, then complain about the state of public schools, then push their kids into private schools (thus depriving the public schools of more funding) that then decide public playing fields are only for them are always going to

Also, there is a place to put a new field, it’s in the useless front lawn and parking situation they have fronting Cathedral Ave. But that would be more expensive than the pittance they’re paying for a decade of access.

The argument being made here is that it’s pretty bad public policy to hand over a public resource for pennies (DC is drowning in money right now) so that a private school can have an *extra* field. No, there isn’t any place to put an extra field. That’s true of basically any school in DC. You want an “extra” field?

“There’s nowhere to put a field at the Maret School!”

My favorite part of any Dave McKenna story is the disclosures portion where he mentioned how many times subjects of his articles have called to berate him.