Man, he sure remembered he was black in a fuckin’ hurry after getting criticized for bowing to his white owner quickly, didn’t he?
Man, he sure remembered he was black in a fuckin’ hurry after getting criticized for bowing to his white owner quickly, didn’t he?
I sat in a bar, with my pregnant wife, down in Florida watching that game unfold. The nice locals next to us seemed excited for the Bears about to kick the winning field goal. I told them that he was going to miss it. I had no doubts about this and then he hit those fucking poles. Sat there in my Mack jersey, staring…
Yeah....not to be overdramatic about this, but I feel like I can draw a pretty straight line between this assumption that boys are loud, messy, like playing in mud and catching bugs and being physical, to the same kinds of stereotypes that leads people to assume that women can’t succeed in certain fields or be good at…
Yoh know damn well there have been more than enough instances of black and brown people doing exactly what they have been told by police and still get killed or beaten. What about that care giver in Florida , shot with his hands in the air? Philando Castile told the cop he had a gun and where it was , still was shot.…
Seriously, you should change your name to EL-OBTUSO
Sorry but Airlines are not the business hill I would choose to defend. Saying people shouldn’t book these tickets because they are taking away possible seats from other passengers is ridiculous in a business that regularly over-sells seats and punishes paying customers based on this practice. When airlines start…
According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Bauer now has to throw at himself in his next appearance
Joule thief!
Let me tl:dr the article for you:
It’s always going to be Boston. Doesn’t matter the sport or the year or how good or bad the team was the previous year. Boston fans will be the most aggrieved.
Million dollar talent, zero dollar decision making skills. If he gets convicted of this charge, UFC needs to be done with him.
This will never not be funny.
Iiiiiiiin south Philadelphia with my mom
Up the first-base line was where I had my glove on
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ in my seat
And a foul ball comes shootin’ outside of my reach
When the only other kid who gave the slightest shit
Started out first and beat me to it
He got one little hug when he handed me the ball
But he stood on her throat and didn't kneel, right?
We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than…
I’ll say it again: want to see gun reform? Have all POC exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
until the colonel removes the cheeto chicken sandwich, a restaurant will be destroyed every night. this i swear to you
Translation, if needed:
“I love the fact your always working if we ever had sex I feel like after an orgazzum you say speaking of feeling good did see the story on the puppy rescue we should do a segment on it hand me my phone.”
I’ve never seen anything blown up so fast in Oklahoma City.
-Mayor David Holt