
There is an excessively hip coffee shop around the corner from my office that my office-coffee-run friend likes. Their coffee is bad. Somehow their tea is also bad. They sell what they call “Mylk” in various flavors (turmeric, ~*~activated charcoal~*~, &c.), so I decided to try that on a recent trip. He asked if I

The clip doesn’t show him leaving, you know. Just back to his car.

No to me, no. You can’t leave it on the road to be collected later if you’re concerned about rabies — it could get eaten, dragged off, run over, start to decompose, etc. And since he shot it twice, the chances its brain (which needs to be intact for a rabies test) is already mush are high.

Animal control doesn’t just collect all the dead animals on the road. That’s not their job. If you think a cop who pulled a gun on a rodent for walking into the street is next going to bundle the thing up and take it to Animal Control for testing, we just have starkly different reads on the situation.

If animal control kills an animal (any animal) because it’s suspected of rabies, they then test it for rabies. That’s how they know if there’s rabies in the local groundhog population. If a cop shoots a groundhog for acting squirrelly (sorry), it just gets kicked to the side of the road.

Thoughts & prayers.

Huh? Groundhogs are diurnal. They’re supposed to be out during the day.

Ultimately the people around me know who I am. That is what matters.

This is good kinja.

Yeah, I know there’s no warrant, I posted that after Dana’s comment but before the NYPD responded. But the cops still said they want to talk to him, and I’m leaning toward not-staged, just incredibly stupid on my end. He might have even planned to do something staged/gimmicky like he usually does to keep his name in

He would’ve been coming to Lobov’s fight this weekend, whether this is staged or a real reaction to the Khabib slapfight.

Yeah, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I can’t see an immediate police call (let alone police response) saying “this famous fighter isn’t on this card but showed up at Media Day,” even though he has a history of water bottle throwing.

Did you watch it, or you’re just reiterating your initial reaction? Security did try to swarm him, but they’re basically matched in numbers/muscle by his entourage and he’s running the whole time. That’s why they backed the bus into the garage and shut the doors. At this point Dana has said he doesn’t want to work

I wondered, but go to TMZ and they have footage from when he was on the other side of the bus — he picked up a dolly and threw it and shattered one of the huge windows on the side. That’s how Chiesa got hurt.

No chance. Artem wouldn’t sue McGregor if he killed his mom in front of him.

Hearing that Artem is off the card and there’s a warrant out for McGregor’s arrest. So, possibly not staged, and he really is this stupid?

Carl looks like a Wallace & Gromit side character.

I agree with this theory with the exception of Lindsay. She falls way, way off the charts on the wrong side of the hot/crazy scale, but her “I have to be on top” comment plus extreme self-centeredness means I’m willing to bet she gets hers.

I feel like you missed the best/worst part of Carl’s (lack of) personality: the way he gets drunk and speaks only in rap lyrics. Kyle would be a very annoying person to know in real life but I wanted to kiss him when he told Drunk Carl at the first dinner this summer, “Stop quoting rappers, rappers wouldn’t want to

Theory: Stephen and Carl hooked up after last season (probably just kissing) and Stephen is masking his betrayal of Lauren by being her very best Carl-hating friend while periodically lashing out at Carl because he is deeply hurt that he did not fall in love with him after their hookup.