Honestly I have no idea what recipe he uses but it’s something along these lines: https://ketosummit.com/what-are-ketogenic-fat-bombs-recipes-how-to-make
Honestly I have no idea what recipe he uses but it’s something along these lines: https://ketosummit.com/what-are-ketogenic-fat-bombs-recipes-how-to-make
Zucchini fritters instead of potato (Smitten Kitchen recipe), and I really like zoodles of all kinds — the fun of pasta without any angst. We do a lot of zucchini zoodle marinara (can you tell we garden?) and also spaghetti squash carbonara.
How strange that so many different police forces “investigate” sexual assault by asking the man if he sexually assaulted anyone and then taking him at his word that he didn’t and closing the case. Who could’ve imagined?
She was a legit model in her day. Supermodel she was not.
I agree in broad strokes, but I think there’s some nuance here. I believe that male victims who are raped by women are treated horrendously — from statutory to actual forcible rape, it’s met with “you lucky dog!” and not even really treated as a crime.
q up there is the one trying to make this a contest, not me. I’m just saying he is wrong to say that women are believed and sympathized with, even with video evidence of the assault. And I wasn’t even thinking of Baylor when I typed my response, I was thinking of Steubenville.
I’m not saying this guy’s got an easy road ahead. I’m saying that it’s false to say — which is what OP actually said — that women who suffer rape and sexual violence are believed and given automatic sympathy and outrage. That’s just extremely, almost comically counterfactual.
Something tells me you’re not thinking clearly about what happens to teenage girls who get raped by sport stars. They usually get bullied out of school or to the point of suicide, not treated with decisive sympathetic outrage.
The good thing about teenaged criminals is how they can’t help but videotape their crimes. Lock ‘em all up.
If you really lost family to Nazis and believe that a person shouldn’t speak up against bigotry unless someone is actually burning a cross (on their neighbor’s lawn, in fact, screw the people across town I guess), then you aren’t taking it nearly far enough.
1. I didn’t say anything about arguing, so not sure why you’re explaining to me that the idea you assigned to me (arguing) is not as good as the idea I actually espoused (pushing back).
Yes, that is the exact mindset that brought us Nazis marching in the street and running people over. Ignoring racism because “well they’re not exactly burning crosses!” and then being surprised when the crosses come out. Racist white people’s comfort is more important than anything, including the rest of our safety.
No pushback at all on racism just being “different perspectives”? Mmkay.
I enjoyed it but didn’t realize I was supposed to be wowed until after I finished it and saw some Goodreads reviews. If I’d gone in expecting more I would have been disappointed.
I know it can happen. I don’t think it did here.
Samesies. Weird how they seem to appear in packs right when I most need an image-rehabilitating softball article in US Weekly!
Not letting her leave the apartment, presumably.