
I mean, maybe? Possibly that’s their justification? But that doesn’t change the facts that 1) they weren’t voting lockstep for Democrats before, so we’re still arguing at the margins here; and 2) the person they voted for instead of Clinton to “punish” the Democrats for Obama being insufficiently pro-union just

This made me laugh, but you skipped my two favorite steps: He walks his contractor through a house that is basically collapsing on itself and covered in mold and guesses it will cost $30k to flip, doing purely cosmetic renovations; the flip costs between $80k and $120k and he learns nothing from the experience that

Yeah she had a moment about a decade ago where she tried to really act — cake, friends with money, the good girl — but then she decided shitty movies where exasperation is the only emotion she’s expected to show are an easy enough paycheck. I might have made the same decision in her shoes, but understanding her


The trailer reminds me of The Night Before, another holiday-themed comedy I expected to be mediocre and actually ended up liking. I don’t hold out quite as high hopes for Office Christmas Party because Jennifer Aniston tends to put a damper on movies for me, but I’m sure I’ll redbox this eventually.

He sucks in person too.

100% same. This feels “make fun of Amanda Bynes during her breakdown”-level of tacky.

Slightly beside the point, but how is that even her name? Did they get married?

+ 2.5 million and recounting...

It’s so ridiculously good!

Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series is ridiculously good, even if you’re not usually into PNR (as attested to by my BFF and mom, neither of which wanted to read it at first).

This is beautiful.

The answer will hinge on the girth of his thighs.

And why is JC the youngest? Who are these people?!

Yeah I think the baby on the left is Chris. This is pretty slapdash casting.

No way, he was right in the middle of the pack (JT was the baby). Hell, Chris Kirkpatrick was 6 years older than him, but in this remake he appears to be a 15 year old elf.

Why is Fake Joey Fatone 15 years older than the rest of Fake *NSync?

Right? I thought everyone could smell ozone. That’s what it smells like when there’s a storm on the way.


Did he try saying “Who’s there?” I feel like we might be missing out on some potential Alien Dad Humor.