Hmm, then he’s lowkey wishing for his own death? That seems better!
Hmm, then he’s lowkey wishing for his own death? That seems better!
THE COURT: I hope you don’t live too long, Ms. Mograbee.
The most confusing part of this post was learning that the VS Angels runway show is supposed to have a cohesive “message” other than “ohh, buttcheek! ... was that a nipple?”
Your “healthy dialog” seems to be lacking any actual dialogue. I addressed your points, you pulled out one sentence that you found insufficiently subservient and went on a rant about ... unclear? You seem to have plenty to put in my mouth (“Rust belt racist, socialist left wing loonies”?), so keep doing that and…
My mistake, I guess it feels great.
Why are people listening to this person in the first place? We’re giving air time to the next Ann Coulter just because she wants it.
This is false but I guess being furious feels good. Tell me about stage 4 cancer when Trump eradicates the overtime protections in his first 100 days, which he’s already declared is on his agenda.
I don’t think you can write 18 paragraph screeds that work in circles and accuse someone else of semantic nitpicking. Identity politics has a meaning, and it’s pushing for civil rights of disadvantaged groups.
You can’t “link the two” and end identity politics. You can’t tell people that the only identity that matters is white working class men without a degree and then turn around and say “but it’s for your own good, women and minorities, a rising tide lifts all boats!” Well, you can, but then you’re either Reagan and…
Dems are the party of union labor in terms of policy, and even messaging. They just aren’t willing to lie to union members and say they’re going to restock coal mines and bring back heavy manufacturing, because that’s not possible. Additionally, white union members without a college degree have voted Republican for…
The party that held the White House for 2 terms went up against a “anti-status quo” candidate and won by more than 2.5 million votes, picked up 6 seats in the House and 2 in the Senate even though the Director of the FBI broke the law to try to influence the election, the VRA disappeared for the first time in 60…
I get that you think sarcasm is a winning strategy, but it’s not. The federal government is complicated, and screaming FUCK PELOSI about things the House leader has nothing to do with isn’t punk rawk, it’s stupid.
This is flatly untrue. The end of identity politics is being celebrated on the right by the KKK and pushed on the left by people who haven’t spent any time with the numbers. Bernie tried to erase intersectionality and pretend that economics were everything, and the base rejected him. The idea that if we just try…
Well, it’s pretty clear I’m talking about the best out of the available options. You are correct, the Democratic platform is not a Worker’s Paradise manifesto. And again, saying that Democrats have done so so terribly when we consistently win more votes is missing the forest for the trees. Two and a half million…
What even is your argument here? Democrats were better but not perfect, therefore white workers voted for worse. That’s just voting against your interest, which is what we’ve been talking about all along, and it doesn’t change the calculus at all to introduce a Godwin.
This isn’t even remotely believable, since you didn’t even know about Texas. But I guess you’re getting something out of the front, so don’t let me stop you.
This is not a good argument. The party platform, her jobs plan, everything about the campaign was making the economy fairer for the 99%. That’s the reason to vote Democrat - because they’re the party that has plans built around workers’ interests. “She didn’t come give out blowjobs in the Rust Belt, though” is just…
Only if you’re an angry but uninformed occasional voter who doesn’t understand state politics, gerrymandering, or quorums. But please, explain which idiot who doesn’t know Robert’s Rules *you* think should be Minority Leader.
Gerrymandering? No, it’s a concrete tactic that is actually unconstitutional and can be fought. In North Carolina a federal judge just ordered all of their districts redrawn. But it’s an uphill battle with courts depleted by an obstructionist Congress not holding hearings on filling vacancies, the Supreme Court…
The Democrats should know since at least 2000 that they have to work against a dismantled VRA? Burning house? Mkay.