
Bullshit. There was no point in this election where working class whites were given any concrete economic reason not to vote Democrat. They didn’t vote for trump because the Democratic party acted like we didn’t want their votes or “insulted” them. And no, we don’t want voters whose racism is more important than their

It’s a knee jerk reaction based on bad assumptions. The election where the Democratic candidate won more votes than all but one other person *in history*, even after the FBI director broke the law to influence the vote, a foreign government interfered to influence the vote, and the Voting Rights Act was gone for the

Except I said explicitly that we should go after new people and turn out young voters. More important than both of those things will be fighting back against voter suppression measures.

Yes you can win elections if you suppress the vote, gerrymander, and play to people’s worst instincts. Forgive me if I’m not on board with taking this amazing lesson we’ve learned from the GOP and restructuring the party around it.

None of those ran. An anti-choice white dude ran against her, and apparently Jezebel is near-unanimous in the opinion that “Grandma Moses” (nice look, Jezzies) should’ve stepped aside for him.

Here. It’s a real plan that’s actually kind of grandiose but not a lie like “I’m going to bring back coal.”

This marketing strategy holds true in Presidential politics for second terms (“don’t change horses midstream,” etc.). It does not hold true after 8 years of one party in the White House.

Well now we’re putting a “gotta sell it to Pennsylvania” blanket over any overtones of racism or misogyny. See also: the stupid ass post about Ellison competing for DNC chair on Deadspin. Funny how he’s young, populist, and a new face on the scene (all the complaints against Pelosi), but there’s something ... else

If the Republicans can self destruct by cannabalizing what actually works and creating a Tea Party to push for everything that doesn’t, then the Democratic By-God Party can do them one better!

Are you kidding? Of course she had an economic message. She talked about jobs and infrastructure and tax plans ad nauseum. But she didn’t promise a pie in the sky because she’s fundamentally honest.

People have been finding ways to funnel their upset at this election at women in power since the primaries, logic be damned.

Yes, Hillary should have also run an ad saying she bailed out the auto industry. What?

And? Rallying cries from the right are a dime a dozen. If you think replacing her with a genial-looking white dude would lead to some kind of detente with the right, then you’ve been watching a different consensus-minded, moderate and thoughtful President from the smack-dab middle of the country get called a Muslim

The only messaging that works for those voters, as we have recently learned, is lies. We can tell them coal is coming back, but that’s a lie. We can say America will lead the world in heavy manufacturing and the scary brown people will disappear, but it’s a lie. “Keep fucking losing Midwest elections for the rest of

No, this just makes you look uninformed. Gerrymandering dates back to the Civil War. Texas Democrats fled the state twice in the early aughts to fight it, which made national and international news. The fact that you didn’t pay attention until November 9th doesn’t make it Pelosi’s fault.

No, it’s not. We offer the best policies for blue collar workers, across the board. The ones that vote against that just to register how much they hate foreigners are not the ones we need to be trying to retain. We need to appeal to independents, and try to turn out the vote among younger voters, instead of

I didn’t say she would be the most crucial Democrat on the Hill for the next two years (although you’re underselling the role of House Democrats). I said it would be hard. Her job is to keep the minority united, fundraise and recruit for 2018, and to call attention to and block as much Republican nonsense as

Gerrymandering happens at the state level. The state legislatures are overwhelmingly controlled by Republicans. But sure, probably Pelosi and Schumer’s faults.

The Democrats have had a majority in the House exactly 4 years out of the last 21. Not sure how reasonable it is to pin that on Pelosi.

I’m glad. This backlash against the party that won 2 million+ more votes in the presidential election, picked up 6 seats in the House and 2 in the Senate during a backlash year is getting tiresome. “People wanted change!” isn’t a magic mantra and it doesn’t make you a political scientist. People tend to want change