Not just you.
Not just you.
Either this person wants to perpetuate a genocide on Syrian refugees or they think that Syrian refugees are only trying to escape a warzone in order to perpetuate a genocide on Western Jews. Both ideas are batshit insane, and unfortunately they’re probably both equally plausible theories in the eyes of a Trump voter.
+1,000,000 and counting
“How do you feel about your work being coopted by literal Nazis?”
She was just taking her 10% cut.
And possibly save the environment!
Seriously. What day of Trump’s America are we up to now? Or should we start counting down to add some optimism to the mix?
I also feel mean for saying this but her face makes me uncomfortable. Like it’s starting to melt, kind of? Either way both Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal should be able to get better roles than the four lines they gave Rachel in those movies.
I get that the Kardashians are close-knit, but the crowds that they bring into the delivery room are insane. I think Rob was even there when Kourtney had hers? I love my brother, my brother is a great uncle to his nephews, and I would probably be psyched if he came into town when I was expecting a kid and even came…
I think he played this perfectly — didn’t separate from the team until it was clear we weren’t going to be in the playoffs. I think if the team still had a chance he’d stay on and contribute. But there’s no point in him getting a 4th concussion in the AmEx Interest Rate Bowl.
My position ends with a meritocratic society. Your turn.
How far does this philosophy extend? What other jobs should black Muslims be excluded from because they might make people uncomfortable? We have about 50 years of sociological data proving that men tend to find other men more authoritative than women, should we stop running female candidates?
So you believe the party should reject a person for a position they are qualified to hold based on race, but should not have to suffer hearing anyone mention the word “racism” as a result. That’s not how words work.
Let me get this straight: you think that it’s “baloney” to call out a tweet that incredulously cites Ellison’s skin color and religion as evidence of his unsuitability to lead the DNC racist?
Depends on the state. But even disaffected Republicans voting blank is a huge benefit in places like Texas, that are currently polling ahistorically closely. I’ve been trying to convince cousins to vote for Mr. “geography lessons are dangerous” because Clinton isn’t a plausible argument with them. Depending on the…
they wholeheartedly and enthusiastically agree with his clearly stated positions.
You picked a kicker early and it wasn’t Justin Tucker? You deserve whatever comes your way.
The idea that a woman who was raped should never have a happy emotion (or stupid millenial texting tic) again is deeply, profoundly fucked. You can have that different opinion but it’s fucked up beyond belief.
You’re assuming it’s a false accusation. I’m saying that a person who seeks civil restitution for rape talking about money is the same as a person who seeks criminal charges for rape talking about prison. You wouldn’t say “she must not have been raped she just wants him locked up!” because being locked up is the…