“I Don’t Hate Women Candidates — I Just Hated Hillary and Coincidentally I’m Starting to Hate Elizabeth Warren.”
“I Don’t Hate Women Candidates — I Just Hated Hillary and Coincidentally I’m Starting to Hate Elizabeth Warren.”
They most certainly blew “Native anger” WAAAAY out of proportion at the behest of their Republican corporate boards and owners.
I wonder what would the Native Americans do without a white male pointing out how outraged they should be at a woman who runs for president.
Yawn. Harvard outright said she never applied for anything as negative American. Massive fail.
Trump promised a million dollars to charity if Warren took the test. Now he’s claiming he didn’t.
She claimed that her grandmother’s mother’s mother’s mother was of native american decent. Which is exactly what the test proved.
Put simply?
Neither does warren.
She was right, though. That’s exactly what she’s been claiming.
Seriously? The GOP still says Obama is from Kenya.
By making an effort to debunk Trump’s claims—which were fomenting in the internet’s right-wing fever swamps for years before he came on the scene—she lends them a dose of credibility, or at least contributes to the suggestion that they should matter at all.
She reminded Trump after the test that he said he’d donate a million bucks to a charity of her choice if she did it, and told him to donate it to a charity for Native American women who are victims of sexual and domestic violence.
Yes, this is why. Not to shut Trump up; nothing can do that. To shut up cable news.
Warren did it to shut the fat Cheetolini up once and for all about it, and to put him on the spot to stump up the million dollars he said he’ll pay if she gets a positive result. He won’t of course so it will make him look even more a lying fool, if that were possible.
The next best thing to giving Elizabeth Warren the side eye for a claim that she is part Native American is giving her the side eye for proving that she is part Native American.
I get it. She knows that when she runs for president, she would be swiftboated by dark money on this. By getting out ahead of that now, she’s able to counter a bunch of attack ads that would paint her as a liar.
The Obama birther thing pretty much died when he released the long-form certificate. Part of the reason it…
She’s literally doing that *right now*.
Because fuck Trump thats why.
Warren seems to be operating under the theory that she must dispel this issue in order that trump can’t use it against her when she runs for President.
Because Trump promised 1 Million to charity, which obviously he won’t pay, so now she’ll be able to use it to bat him around on the multiple times he offered to donate to charity and never followed through and the fact that his charity is being charged as a fraud by the state of New York.