
Unless he was looking up how to spell his friend's name? ... It still doesn't make a ton of sense, but I can imagine a world where that happened. "What's your friend's name, so I can write it on his order?" "It's Marquis... I can't remember how he spells it though. Hold on... here" [shows facebook page to give exact

Right?? Maybe the fact that they have a Redskins fan club to begin with shows diversity. "We accept everyone - even out-of-state football fans!"

So Legally Blonde totally stole their big climactic scene from Encyclopedia Brown? Well at least it wasn't totally creepy/strange that Elle knew you don't wash your hair after getting a perm.

Who are the ones who would really benefit from this anyway. I'm pretty sure most women who have stood around in heels have done the shifting weight thing, instinctively.

I wear high heels relatively often to work (though I'm just under 6') - it's funny when tall guys do a double take. That's right, you have to look slightly up now, sucka. It's also my small revenge against bitterly short high school guys who would ask me if I "really need to wear heels." No, but I will anyway.

Sounds like we're earmuff-purse sisters - I prefer a small crossbody bag and love that I can just wrap my 180s around the strap and not worry about them until I'm outside again. I'm this close to attaching my gloves to my sleeves like I'm 5 again. It might be worth it...

I cannot recommend fleece-lined leggings enough. Good call.

Buy a couple warm scarves that'll really cover you, they're worth the money if you're in a windy winter climate. A lightweight raincoat won't do you any good in the cold, so you will want to invest in warmer outerwear than that even if you don't get the full-on ski jacket. I honestly love my puffy North Face coat

Runner's tights aren't always a good idea - the polyester/spandex ends up irritating my skin. Sure, it keeps me warmer, but I'll take cotton leggings or long johns instead, which are great for people sensitive to acne, body odor, etc.

Seconding - I give to local charities that I've volunteered with before, or someone I know volunteers/works with. I can see the impact they're making on a local level, and know where my money's going towards. Even knowing some of it has to go towards administration costs, I can see how the organization is run and feel

The euro is still doing better, though, when you look at the exchange rate, so cost of living is likely to be higher in euro-using countries. It's a factor to keep in mind.

Thanks for bringing this up - when I saw the "cost" for French universities I laughed out loud, because when I went for a year I still had to pay for insurance, student visa, etc, and getting a work visa is difficult in France, so I saved up from working in the states to cover as much as possible. Student housing was

To win against Amazon. Everyone who buys a Chromecast instead of a Fire stick is spending money in Google's store instead of Amazon.

To win against Amazon. Everyone who buys a Chromecast instead of a Fire stick is spending money in Google's store

Thanks for sharing - I just bought one with the black Friday deal and have been debating whether to use it or gift it. A lot of sources are saying the push is to fight against Amazon's new Chromecast equivalent for market share, so I'm hoping that's the main reason and not a refresh, though both could be playing into

Thanks for sharing - I just bought one with the black Friday deal and have been debating whether to use it or gift

The offer page says you have to install by Dec 21 - they may offer other deals if you install post-Christmas, to keep gifters and giftees happy?

The offer page says you have to install by Dec 21 - they may offer other deals if you install post-Christmas, to

Do German cops carry guns? Some of the horror over Ferguson could be a byproduct of having less gun violence in Germany generally, so it's especially shocking. Not that it's a good reflection on American culture and policy that we're less shocked as a nation by gun violence...

You could tell everyone in the theater was a musical nut by the jokes they laughed at :)

Kendrick totally had me convinced - she manages to sell Cathy in really subtle ways, and her singing is lovely.

It's not a terrible movie - just could have used better direction, imho, and the music is phenomenal. So if all it takes is one song, you'll be more than happy :)