Classic! Good one!
Classic! Good one!
No worries. No vines. Cool link. But, I could totally see how that could happen. Just wow.
Oh no, they know usually. But, embarrassment can be overwhelming.
Guess not!
I don’t really like sticking my fingers in anything that puckers. I’m more of a SAVE YOUR LIFE KINDA GIRL. But, I’ve got friends that love it. And abscesses — they will fight over them.
Started with 3 if I remember correctly. I guess he was eating them and the melting too over. OMFG. It was quite the mess.
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow! Big FUN!
That one wasn’t “mine”. Sorry, Snopes. I did 7 years of ER in a semi-rural southern town. It was real. My patient was that elderly.
ER nurse here. Hmm. Off the top of my head - The number of things I’ve seen in the orifices —
This one is a doozie!
Even the crack bot-making team at Fox News could NOT do enough of a MAKEOVER on that trailer-trash to make her even close to palatable. FFS.
Judge Bunning is NOT bullying the crazy, bigoted Davis clan. He simply put Kim Davis where she belonged — JAIL. JAIL. JAIL.
Carter County does knifes and guns very well! Kinda goes with the God given crazy!
May the wind always be at your back, the sun always be on your shoulders and your frenulum always be as sore as you can stand it!
Can this just be the end of him now? Please.
This shitshow has cost the taxpayers of Kentucky 2.3 million and counting. Enough already. It is time for everyone to contact U.S. District Judge Bunning ‘s office in Ashland KY and encourage them to have Federal Marshall service take her into custody for willfully violation of federal process.
My mother had died unexpectedly at home. After a big scene that invoked me kicking the door in (literally) and my sister and I finding her dead and things got even worse from there. As if that’s possible. My sister decided to throw herself on my mothers dead body, screaming. Shit.
Grief has no rules. The important things have been said between you and your family. Go forward in love and kindness. Be blessed.
Holy Mother of Dog — where to start? I am from the south.
Good tip about the time thing. I use a similar one.