Bobby this should qualify you for hazard pay. I can’t even hate watch. This is peak selflessness. No 500 DoK joy here.
Bobby this should qualify you for hazard pay. I can’t even hate watch. This is peak selflessness. No 500 DoK joy here.
And now he will be free to suck Trump off so hard, so often and with such glee that the universe might not survive.
None of the “trappings” of money, privilege or power can make a woman immune to abuse.
The level of interpersonal violence and abuse in the Celeste/Perry marriage is chilling. The maladaptive way Celeste ultimately “allows” the violence to end in sex is, however, an interesting issue.
They can jump a few feet straight up in the air. Yeah, that’s the stuff of nightmares. I did not grow up with these beasts — I’m outdoorsy and tough, but ... damn.
Ding, ding, ding.
We had our beloved Tortie cat Kiki (acute renal failure — we tried everything) and our Golden Deceiver Jake (he had an inoperable tumor in his airway that had been slow growing for months, but grew fast over 2 weeks — tho an adult rescue, he was ours for only 11 years) was euthanized at our farm. They were in their…
I approve punching in this situation. Actually, if the first punch didn’t knock him down, I’d repeat as needed till I obtained a satisfactory result.
I look for a full 24/7/365 sequestration of WH staffers as the next illogical logical Spicer move here.
I can only hope that the Federal Courts in Michigan will restore will the dignity that this woman lost giving birth on a dirty jail floor. I mean they can’t really, but they can force certain bad actors to get out a checkbook. Cause damn.
WCS is the real deal. Sacramento would be wise to get some chill. And clean up that coach & FO/BO mess while trying to recruit (err... DRAFT) everything you can from Coach Cal. UK the West Coast Edition, now you just need that magic coach!
She should be shunned.
KellyAnne Con-ARTIST. The Con Man Pres can pick ‘em!
This is horse shit. Or in her case, lying unrepentant hag shit.
You I have actually been KISSED on my the top of my head by FOUR (4) — (that’s right F-O-U-R) different men in group settings. All the “kisses” occured while I was standing, I had finished a presentation twice and on the other two occasions I had walked into the room/conference area.
Nah, nope.
Seems to me this POS was desperate to make news. Guess Trumpolio forgot about his black buddy and needed a reminder that the idiot lawman was still capable of the bad judgement that the Twitter Tyrant-in-Chief so respects.
A Tortie that tunnels! What a beauty! I had a KiKi tunnel Tortie and miss her so. Tortitude!!
My eyes, my eyes!!!!!!