Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

the future of the site will belong to a capital organization that will find a way to monetize its decline.

He just might, but remember that he said, “Love is a dagger,” so he is probably into some intense stuff.

Who doesn’t?

this guy wants more Lokis to fuck him.

Man - looking at the photo at the top of the article at first I was like “what show was Mike O’Malley in where he was sitting opposite Michael Stipe?” He looks uncannily like Michael on the right there, even down to the eyes.

EXACTLY. I’ve been watching it but I’m way behind and it’s kind of a chore, a little too high concept to be enjoyable but still interesting. But there’s no way I’m committing to multiple seasons.

I like ROTJ, but, yeah, Han and Leia are literally just spinning their wheels the entire time with nothing except plotty plot plot bullshit to deal with.

Gahddammit thats what I wanted to say in the first place but messed it up. Character over plot. Always

Thanks for sharing!

Is she with the Guilty Remnant?

Next week’s destination: Bangor, Maine. No word on whether we’re taking the midnight train, though, much less which boxcar.

I never got what everybody else gets out of the Toy Story movies. They’re the same goddamn movie over and over again. TS1: “What does it mean to be a toy? Oh, and let’s save Buzz.” TS2: “What does it mean to be a toy? Oh, and let’s save Woody.” TS3: “What does it mean to be a toy? Oh, and let’s save each other.” I’ll

“[Y]ou are watching a lucrative global children’s-entertainment franchise and not a bleak European art film.”

doesn’t seem worth the effort made”.

Cheap Trick have a strong argument of being the most underrated classic rock band that’s already relatively well-known. Almost every record has a couple of deep-cut bangers.

Well this didn’t age well.

I’m in, so long as it’s a hard sci-fi reboot.

They want to mark the point where we left the era of “Peak TV”.

I tried to get that album at my local record store at the time, but it didn’t have it. Really could have used some fixin’...