Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Justice League: The Butthole Cut

The BACKLASH is what you find bizarre here? Jesus christ.

“Fuck,” as in “Why the fuck would anyone want to watch this shitshow?”

Snyder bafflingly notes that he expects his new Justice League to get a theatrical release, despite the fact that it’s going to be four hours long

Man, I appreciate the jest, but this is a dude who just went OFF in his later years on how the world is organized by company, country, and geography, and is the worse off for all of it. This is the one person I’m confident that if you wanna make a joke like that, maybe he was bad with women would be the way to go? Am

This article he wrote for the New Yorker is far and away my favorite piece of short form writing that I’ve read. I must have read it at least ten times since it was published and it never fails to enchant me. It’s not just the story or the subtext, it’s also just plainly beautiful and economical writing of a kind so

I prefer the version of Tinker Tailor from the 70s.

Also seems weird to call it an homage to Sorcerer instead of Wages of Fear.

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I have not seen this movie, but I have seen several excerpts from Brad Neely’s delightful commentary track Wizard People, Dear Reader.

Sure sounds like Disney really heard the fans when they said “trying to make tons of Star Wars content in a short timeframe didn’t work out so well.”

I’m still enjoying Mando, but my enjoyment comes when the show is doing its own thing week to week, and not just trotting out fan favorite characters and lore as it tries to paste the franchise’s myriad personalities and tones to one another. Kinda sounds like they’re revving their engines for more fan favorite

Yes, I’m sure they were listening to Rando on the AVClub and didn’t have this as the overall plan from the start. Have you seen Filoni’s previous work?

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The depiction of the ancient Jedi temple as a Stonehenge-type structure, blended with Grogu sitting in a classic meditation posture, is the kind of lore I like to geek out on.

Oh hey, remember the Roach? No sign of him this week. What was the point of that? And why did he save Ethelrida from Oraetta?

The charm of this show is that it left behind all the overelaborate reliance on canon and mythology in order to provide adventures in the Star Wars universe that have the feel of an old, non-serialized Western.

That seems unlikely given the first three books predate Gladiator and the character isn’t must different in the show, but you can definitely see how Jack Gleeson might have taken a lot of inspiration from it in his performance.

Zoya HATE movie. Is bourgeois capitalist scam 

It’s not a perfect match, as Olyphant has more of an inherently mischievous, bordering on villainous quality to him, but he’s the closest thing this franchise has had to classic Han Solo, and he should really be in all the things.

Not gonna lie, as great as everything else was about this episode, my favorite thing about it was Timothy Olyphant playing the marshal of a frontier mining town and W. Earl Brown playing the saloon barkeep.

So this is the fate of the one they call Olyphant, to roam the great television landscape from show to show to play a role simply known as: Marshal.