Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

“Ambrose Bierce, who disappeared in Mexico in 1913 (and would have had to have lived to 127 to have written all of Traven’s books)“

I remember going to see Toy Story at the theatre with my best friend. We were around 17. We did really like it. I think we may have been at the perfect age to both appreciate the child focused elements as well as some of the edgier content designed to appeal to adults. (Like the horror movie references, which I

I think the critics’ take on Jurassic Park in 1993 was broadly right; it was an above average summer blockbuster and technically groundbreaking, but also a bit patronising in places and not in the same league as, say, Jaws. For some reason, some time early in the last decade, there seemed to be some silent agreement

Did yall get a “metropolis” vibe when she became the gold killing machine? 

I got a Community notification for this?

Is it though? I was watching it again recently on TV and it just leaves such a sour taste, especially in our current political climate. The cartoonish demonizing of the counterculture, the minimization of the civil rights movement, the overall sanitized, white male view of American history... it felt more

I think this tends to get overlooked. The word itself is obviously distasteful (and there is a certain amount of “I’m being so naughty!” glee in Tarantino casting himself as the one saying it), but the important thing is to watch Jules in that moment; he’s clearly seething, but he chokes it down because he needs this

Here I am just doing my grumbling about The Tick not getting a third season...

This is easily the best performance of Kingsley’s career. The best scene is pretty much a tie between Don winding himself up while talking to the mirror, and the wide-eyed innocence he puts on while talking his way out of the airplane incident (“I was shaking like a leaf, so without thinking I lit up a cigarette to

as brilliant as Gandhi is, the scene where Ian McShane stares down Winstone is witheringly scary. The small smile, the piercing eyes... brrrrr

Oh, McClurg’s very popular, Doc. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads — they all adore her. They think she’s a righteous dude.

It’s interesting with both Hook and Prince of Thieves that the villains are far and away the only real reasons to bother with the movies.

It was a huge story leading up to the movie’s release.

I dunno, I feel like I’ve seen a million mentions of Hamilton being in super tip-top shape in T2. Including in this very article.

I wonder when she said that. I recall everyone madly praising her new T2 physique.

Theater is a live artform, its ephemeral nature the source of its magic.

Yeah, maybe the show would have been popular then. 

One anecdote that I saw in the last day is that Reiner hosted the Director’s Guild of America awards ceremony for years, but he had a last minute health issue in 2009 and Jon Cryer had to sub for him. Cue:

One thing that is interesting to me about the Reiner-Martin movies is how weird they are. Lots of big laughs, but also really odd.

The good people of Naboo respectfully disagree!