Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I can believe Aykroyd labored over the Ghostbusters II script and then Ramis made him cut out the extensive side plots about psychic aliens and cross-dimensional possessions.

I have wondered about the art gallery dance scene for a long time and why everyone is moving like that. Either they shot it without any music and told the crew to just pretend *something* was playing, and dubbed the Prince in later, or this was a bunch of actors with the worst sense of beat and rhythm in the world, or

Pretty sure “He pulls a knife, you pull a guy,” is dialogue from the porn classic The Touchables. 

I am open to any interpretation of what Carol is supposed to be but she very definitely reminded me of the vampire-creature into which Jacqueline Pearce’s character would change into in the Hammer Horror film ‘The Reptile’  (Pic below)

Whoa! I didn’t realize that was her! I hadn’t looked at her IMDB page before now. I really didn’t recognize her with the short hair that makes her look 10 years younger. Anyone complaining about her wooden acting should see Crazy Rich Asians. Araminta Lee is the exact opposite of Lily Chan. She was also amazing as Dr.

Or fish reheated in the office microwave.

Probably only food that you can eat with really annoying slurping or crunching sounds.

This is his lifelong dream project, at an even bigger budget than Travolta’s was: he’ll be flying a DC-8 in space over Teegeeack... but IRL!!

Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy also signed a big production deal at Amazon and are working on a show there, so I don’t know how committed they are going to be to fixing season 4 of Westworld

I was wondering through the whole “ending to Fight Club, but with Pink Floyd playing instead of The Pixies” about the fate of William, then I realized I would have been perfectly fine if his plotline just fizzled out. Every time it seems like he’s going to experience true character growth, the show just fails to

They took the dumbest stuff from the stupefyingly confusing finale last season (big computers with humans and hosts brains in them, then another one for host heaven? Or some shit? Dolores deleting the hosts? Or not?) and doubled down on it this season. There was no way this season could work being perched on nonsense

Which is why I think this is where I’m bowing out. That was a fine ending for a really imperfect show, and there’s no way it doesn’t just keep getting worse from here. 

Eh, I liked it. The show does display a high-mindedness it doesn’t deliver on. Better to view it as popcorn entertainment. And to that end, we had another badass female killer successfully taking on a bunch of thugs. These are very fan-servicey but pretty enjoyable.

I love this show but I have to talk about the thing that bothered me in this ep. “the pearls” are already dumb, once Maeve and Dolores hit the internet there shouldn’t be a reliance on hardware. then when Charlotte is removing the pearls from the machines in this episode, Hector’s pearl gets taken out of the machine

I can’t achieve an erection without seeing someone eat dog shit.

Yeah, I found that later. Very strange. Explains a lot of the weird descriptions of Friend at the end (though I think the surrealist nature of it is also trying to make him very alien and nearly inhuman. It felt like reading a Lovecraft story, when the protagonist starts to have their sense of reality torn by the

Since when did you start this slideshow shit??? WTF is this? Buzzfeed? I had to scroll through all f’ing 35 of the gdamn slides to register this complaint. I know things have gone down hill over the years, but really? There are so few websites that I actually enjoy anymore, I’m barely hanging on to the this one. I get

Gosh. YOu guys fire Rabin and now you steal all of his ideas. I can’t wait to see the Nashville or Break column. 

This makes me feel bad for Nathan.

Guess I’ll have to see if FN Canada has the bonus content, or if the VPN will let me watch Bravo...