Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Breihan would’ve been tall enough to pass for a 14 year old by then. Everyone in the theatre would’ve just been shitty about the whiny teenager and left his dad out of it.

Dude, his bit as King Osric in “Conan the Barbarian” was understated brilliance.

I had the pleasure of meeting Max Von Sydow at a film festival. He had the habit of, if at somewhere like Cannes or Berlin where he was promoting something, spending his spare time seeing other films, and you would often see him at  screenings of all sorts of things. He was sitting beside me during a pretty terrible

Lulu Wilson was phenomenal as Kestra. TNG never had a great track record when it came to child actors, but Wilson was phenomenal here — selling the family chemistry with Riker and Troi, capturing wild exuberance of a free range child with a rural upbringing playing in the woods, conveying the loss of Kestra’s older

I think Zack is being a little tough especially for an A- review. A Star Trek show can’t survive on nostalgia alone. I loved TNG but there are very good reasons why this show can’t and shouldn’t be trying to “bring the old band back together”. I dispute that it “promised to be a visit with old friends, and maybe some

As successful as Star Wars was, I still don’t think Star Wars would be the cultural phenomenon it became if it hadn’t been for Empire. Empire just raised the bar on everything and so effectively moved the story ahead. And remarkably, every Star Wars movie since has been a disappointment. But we all keep going because

One of my friends’ sisters partially blinded him in one eye during a dirt clod fight on one of those mounds.

Left over construction dirt piles are perfect for making bike jumps. We used to have a whole makeshift BMX course in a field right by my house. someone just went out there with a shovel and piled up some jumps, and the course naturualy formed by bikes riding over it to keep the weeds down (it helped that this field

Ah yes, the joys of playing “King of the Hill”, twisted ankles, broken wrists. The rule was you didn’t go inside unless you were BLEEDING bleeding. Betcha the youngsters out there didn’t even know the name of the show with Hank Hill was a play on words.

40 years later and I still have horrible memories about being on one of those spinning merry-go-round things. It started going around way too fast and i hung on for dear life until I was thrown from it, landing on the concrete ground and ripping up my knee! Lots of blood for an 8 year old to see. I still get nervous

Yeah this script either needed to be a two-parter or needed some dramatic paring down- and for all that, it’s still basically just a base under siege story, none of that stuff added anything.

I’m guessing Prometheus wasn’t a big fan.

No more lemon parties for old Dick.

Man, Banksy has gotten lazy.

Must have been fun. Did he spring for popcorn?

Was not impressed *at all* by the CG on Dr Manhattan.

Oh, get fucked. You should go find those people and tell them their reactions weren’t real.

Lighten up, Francis.

Has he made any anime films? CHECKMATE.