Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Yeah, the thing to note about “John Wayne: The Performance” as remembered by pop culture history is that pop culture remembers it half right. It is correct that John Wayne the actor was pretty much the only guy who could do it, it was pretty much all John Wayne could do, and if delivered straight-up, it is pretty much

Jacob’s Ladder 2: The Legend of Jacob’s Gold 

But the big twist was at least a century old, with both director and writer admitting to the influence of "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge." I like the original movie a lot but let's not pretend that element was blazingly original. 

A Good Jacob to Ladder Hard.

How Jacob Got His Ladder Back.

Now playing

On the bright side, he already knew what it was like to be dead.

That look Sam and Ruth give each other when she beats Debbie, and he raises her arm in victory, is one of shear joy and relishing the moment. I laughed out loud a few times during this episode.

Marc Maron’s“What the fuck?!” at Zoya’s betrayal, which Sam has seen a thousand times, was hilarious.

What the hell? I thought this episode was almost as strong as the one before it. My biggest regret regarding the season is that Justine doesn’t play a bigger part in it, so the Hollywood trip was very welcome to me.

I’ll be in the minority, but I actually liked the Sam/Justine stuff as it in a lot of ways felt like a logical contiuation of Sam’s story. As he begins to struggle with his mortality, he is able to see his daughter become something better he ever was. The way he handled the heart attack was actually for me one of the

I don’t know where Sheila’s arc is going but her crying in the last scene when she took off her She-Wolf wig and being real with Bobby was amazingly emotional to me. Possibly Gayle Rankin as Sheila gives my favorite performance out of this whole fantastic cast. She is just a Wolf Girl & she deserves to be loved and

From this shirts in this picture, I assume this was a spinoff of Laverne and Shirley.

How have I not seen this? Off to YouTube!

That’s like complaining that impressionist paintings are too blurry.

Ford in Himmel, was that cheesy!

I didn’t.

I can only assume she sees it as taking agency over her own life for the first time. Until she bolts that church she’s done what was expected at every turn.  The final scene lets the air out of any thought that running away with Ben is the right answer.

the difference between Jaws and Star Wars is that Jaws feels like a movie from 1975, but Star Wars doesn’t feel connected to it’s era at all. Jaws (and THX 1138) looks and feels like classic 70's movies (include The Graduate) but Star Wars look is oddly disconnected from the movies that directly proceeded it. Perhaps