Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I don't know how "B-b-b-blue meanies" didn't come up in the review. Goggles and everything.

Considering the story arc is time relate, I think it’s not about comic book but an homage to La Jetée.

They reminded me of blue meanies.

I saw Blue Meanie, not Cheshire Cat, but I acknowledges yours matches the previously symbolism of the season better. Still, that smile and those noses.

[clicks “See more replies”] I’m not alone!

I was occasionally reminded of Blue Meanies.

I got “the Blue Meanies” from Yellow Submarine vibe here too. Those Blue Meanies scared the shit out of me when I was little. And here they're even freakier. Wow.

I got the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine.

Halfway through season 3, and it’s safe to say this is far better than season 2. Not that season 2 was bad, it’s just that season had a lot of wheel spinning and aside from the last minute rape reveal, it never felt like it was going anywhere. It also felt a bit more visually drab and repetitive with the whole Farouk

It’s not sympathy, but I’m feeling something every time someone uses the phrase “slime and scales below the belt.”

A.A. Dowd raves, “The Perfect Remake Recipe” 

I’m looking forward to the photo-real remake of Inside Out, which will just be talking chunks of human brain.

They showed Paint Your Wagon on TV when I was a kid and for some reason I was captivated. I was shocked at how utterly unwatchable it is when I revisited it as an adult. God, what a slog. 

I strongly recommend the book “Pictures at a Revolution” which looks at the Best Picture nominees in 1968 which were Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?, Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate, In the Heat of the Night, and Doctor Doolittle. The parts about Doctor Doolittle are hilarious and he comes off as such a pompous dick. I

Thank you for pointing that out!  I’ve now got more things to read!

Oh hi Glenn . . .

As KevyB says, it’s still a good show, lots of the strengths from Season 1 are still there. You can’t tear your eyes away from Jodie Comer, the settings look great on camera. It’s just that the writing meandered, they were trying to find something for those two ladies to do. It’s not a show with unerring direction

Repeat for 3 minutes and 30 seconds

It’s watchable, but it didn’t make lots of sense. They were smart trying to add other psychos to the mix, but the first one was gone too quickly and the second one was boring. This season they were more interested in building up all the crap with the handlers instead of building up these new baddies. The show is best