Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I’m an only child so I don’t know, but may I assume that it is accurate that even when you’re being made king you can count on your big sister to tell everyone in the room how your balls don’t work?

The scorpions were only as accurate and powerful as the plot needed them to be.

Ram’s bladder cup and spring surprise.

hot pie

Did no one else notice the homage to, “An American Werewolf in London”? The lead werewolf was wearing a 1980's era bright red down jacket and looked very much like David Naughton.

How is this not an A? The Eve vs Colin fight alone should put it up there (I really hope Eve comes back). Then you toss in the werewolves, which were my favorite part from the movie, and you get an episode that is just non stop laughs. Best episode yet imo. A grade all the way

And Michigan State certainly deserves credit

AV Club is happy with that sweet Laurel Canyon sound, it doesn’t need sounds from any other California region, thank you very much.

Yeah, I like her site, but this sort of undermines the project. Singer’s house is tastefully covered by trees (something usually appreciated on the site) and doesn’t have a bunch of crazy different windows or unneeded levels or whatever. Loughlin’s house does suffer from the hodgepodge design thing, but it’s not too

Does anyone other than Tuco call him “Blondie in the Good the Bad and the Ugly? I kinda always thought that was just Tuco’s nickname for him.

The “How to date a demonic shapeshifter” are going to be creepy AF.

Well, sometimes there’s a man.  Sometimes there’s a man.  

Based on his one line in the trailer, I’m going to speculate that he’s basically a decent guy but a bad influence.

Also, I think this is genuinely one of those problems that nerds make a lot more out of than it really is. I think nerds (and I do count myself in that number, just to clarify) have a tendency to hype up the “impenetrable mythology”, because it makes them feel like it’s more of an achievement to have mastered it. “Oh,

Of course this is back when 10 years would bring drastic changes in culture and style. Not that we haven’t had some big cultural shifts especially in politics and technology but changes in pop music and fashion seem much more gradual and slight since the the late 90s.

You’re a very silly man, and I’m not going to interview you. 

Holy shit, it took me a while to get it. Kudos to you, good sir/ miss. Definitely well played.

“That machine was almost too good,” one of the Neff managers tells Jimmy about a copier he fondly remembers. “Counterfeiters used it to make color copies of $5 bills.” Bet Jimmy’s filing that idea away for later.

This would make it the first and only time Goyer wrotea script for a good movie.

...is this movie a Jacob’s Ladder scenario?