Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I understand almost none of these words

We used to bring in bottled beer and compete to see who could roll an empty the furthest. They were incredibly loud on the concrete floor of the theater.

the yin and yang S shield is a brilliant “why didn’t someone thing of that before” idea. Big improvement on his original shield.

Why didn’t I get a Community notification for this?


FYI - Superman doesn’t reverse time by making the planet spin backward. He flies faster than the speed of light, and the planet going backward is a visual representation of time reversing.

Claudette’s fatal flaw is that she can’t (or won’t) see that being great at some things (such as cooking & creating dishes) doesn’t mean you are incapable of sucking at other things (such as working with others in a collaborative situation). And because she lacks this self-awareness, she then blames & trashes everyone

Whoa, slow down. “Noseless Walton Goggins”? You don’t just blow past a phrase like that without explaining it.

FUCK. Left Hand of Darkness and Always Coming Home are among my favorite books. Ever since I was a little dumb kid I loved the critical, feminist/anthropological eye she turned toward scifi.

Now playing

Yeah Shakespeare did exist, he did in fact write those plays, and anyone who says anything of the contrary is an idiot who essentially believes in literary creationism.

Shakespeare definitely existed. Some people over the centuries have speculated that he didn’t actually write the plays and sonnets attributed to him, but that theory is stupid.

So your argument is basically “...and such small portions!”

I think the point is that “critically panned” is irrelevant, you know it’s irrelevant, any good drama teacher or theater nerd knows they’re irrelevant, and people see Roth & Oldman play R & G = D all around the world every day, critics don’t get to stop that any more than they get to stop Transformers.

Well, what else do you expect when Broadway shows are, by their very nature, an art that few get to experience live considering you need to a) have the money to get to NYC, b) have the money to stay there or nearby, c) have the vacation time to, d) have the money to buy tickets (yes, you can lottery, but that’s not

I never have, and never will, understand the appeal of The National. I’ve been told for years now that I’m supposed to like them, but I can’t figure out for the life of me why.

Gladiator is about as well-crafted of a movie as I’ve ever seen that was assembled completely from shopworn, off-the-shelf parts.

What the hell? Oceans can’t be women. They’re ruining my childhood!

Even though the movie was made in 1983 about a family in 1939, it really captures the countless moments that define childhood for many/most of us. Things like...

I don’t think Laura was talking about bear meat in her fridge, she was talking about an actual live bear scavenging in her fridge, as she was explaining why one has to cook with as little waste as possible in Alaska.

My favorite part was when she turned into a jungle cat and attacked and mauled him.