Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Steve Martin also has a nice bit about Reiner in his memoir. After a contentious relationship with his father early on, he credits Carl Reiner and his role as a friend and mentor for helping to form his identity, saying “he taught me more about how to be a social person than any other adult in my life”.

*insert standard bitching about the exclusion of the Scouring of the Shire even though it would have taken another hour of screentime to do right*

Junior is pretty much a quasi-sequel to Twins, since they got the band back together with Schwarzenegger, DeVito and Reitman...

Time After Time is the movie that jump-started my decades-long crush on Mary Steenburgen, who coincidentally is now married to — you guessed it, Frank Stallone!

When I was in high school in the 80s, we hosted a German exchange student who was a big Magnum fan. In Germany, they used an actor with a stereotypically deep, masculine voice to dub Tom Selleck. When he heard Selleck’s real voice, which is relatively high and reedy (or was back then, anyway), he refused to believe it

If Harlan Ellison were still alive he would be totally suing the shit out of the Whedons right about now...

Yeah, it’s a joke about the decline of the History Channel. And I’ve read his memoir. As a writer, he’s no Sherman...

I think you posted in the wrong spot...

So the History Channel is going to answer how a washed-up loser drummed out of the Army for drinking and working in his in-laws’ leather shop was able to pull it together and lead an ill-disciplined force to victory against all odds and reason?

If only there were a real-life Helena we could sic on him...

It wouldn’t surprise me if Kevin gets back into the final through LCK though. He’ll be tough to beat...

It must have been cool to get in for the All-Star season, since you already know all the chefs. Were you able to see back into the kitchen to who was cooking for you?

Yeah, I’m probably with you, though my boredom on Sunday nights synergized with my weakness for well-produced, high-budget spectacle may eventually override my distaste for the whole fiascolada...

Yeah, it should have ended with Maeve and Caleb overlooking the descending chaos from the bridge. I don’t see how anything afterwards is going to be anything but more disappointment, unless it turns into a pure SFX robutts vs. humans war show...

Yeah, I think this was the natural ending point of this show. I would have given the whole series a B overall just for the spectacle, even if it meant that Jeffrey Wright and his performance had pretty much been completely wasted.

I don’t care how universally beloved he is today, I still say that Michael J. Fox has no Elvis in him...

Actually he does his kidself in too. It’s the body in the background with its back to the camera in the jeans and gray t-shirt...

Isn’t this the first time we’ve seen Ed Harris and Jimmi Simpson together in the same scene?

It wasn’t Manson related; it was inspired by this dude:

Now Call Me By Your Middle Name