Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Exactly. I mean, how many times could the roadrunner just matter-phase into a stone wall and run into the tunnel painted on it? At some point, it’s gotta slam into the rock, right?

Sonoya Mizuno gets a pass for life from me just for this:

And both shows were released contemporaneously on Thursdays! Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

But it’s logical to try it again, isn’t it? It’s always seemed strange to me that when a villain comes up with a world-conquering/destroying plan that the hero only foils at the last second and against all odds that the villain scraps the plan and comes up with something entirely new the next time around instead of

My Year of Bombs...

I know. I used to love that. You got so much more insight into the decisions, especially with Tom’s blog.

If you haven’t read the book, you should. Goldman isn’t talking about movies based on comic books. In fact, his main example of what he means by “comic-book movie” is The Deer Hunter (!). If I understand his argument correctly, and I’m not sure I do, he’s making a distinction based mostly on complexity of character

Bravo has a new streaming feature called “What Would Tom Do?” in which Chef Colicchio shows some milf what he would have cooked if presented with the week’s elimination challenge.

“Young Freud?” Wasn’t he the pilot of the Yellow Submarine?

“Contributions”? He was a pseudo-scientific snake oil salesman and the discipline has never recovered from it.

It seems like we only get Silly or Slightly Silly candidates. I’m waiting for a Very Silly candidate like Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Umbrella Stand Jasper Wednesday (pops mouth twice) Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable (whinnying) Arthur Norman Michael (blows squeaker) Featherstone Smith (whistle) Northcott

Has Lord Buckethead taken over that role more recently?

I was thrown off one of those once and dislocated my shoulder. It was quite painful.

According to William Goldman, he nearly killed an ailing Laurence Olivier rehearsing Marathon Man...

Luxury. We used to dream of having an asphalt parking lot. We played on a large pile of dirt in the lot neighboring our house’s that was leftover from construction. We’d climb to the top and throw each other off it, because it was the only thing to do...

I, too, am old. Yet I feel like I get Billie Eilish.

I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I think it was brought up in the Scorsese doc when they were talking about George’s bitchy side. But I’m sick of this false narrative about Lennon being some unrepentant wife-beater. The reason we know he did it was because he talked about it openly to show that he wasn’t

Yeah, George would never tear a photographer’s assistant a new asshole for innocuously asking whether he wanted to be on the cover of Rolling Stone...

I first read that headline as “least palatable humans” and angrily clicked through to see just what the fuck Hughes had against Fey and Poehler. I feel kinda silly now...

How about “Lawman Beating Up the Wrong Guy” or “Lennon on Sale Again”?