Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Chatziioannou R’lyeh, wgah’nagl fhtagn...

Though I didn’t see “Jaws”, I did see the rip-off “Orca” with Richard Harris a few years later at the drive-in...

My parents went to see it with friends. My mom, who has no stomach for gore, was shocked when her friend ordered a tomato juice after seeing the bloodiest movie she’d ever seen...


I was started to wonder if XTC had been cancelled or something or maybe the kids just don’t listen to them anymore...

Is this Hank Hill’s Kinja account?

And the original Springsteen lyric is “cut loose like a deuce”. So there’s that, too...

How was The Legend of Boggy Creek not the contender, with a creature so terrifying that house cats die of sheer fright when it prowls around people’s homes?

The thing about the casting I thought was funny is that they hired and English man and an Irish (& Ethiopian) woman to play U.S. Southerners, and then when they needed an Irish vampire, they hired another English man. I’m not sure why that tickles me so much...

I came to ask a similar question. I watched the first 2 seasons, but didn’t feel like picking it up again for the third, especially since it was getting mediocre, disappointed reviews. Maybe I’ll finish it sometime, though....

Yeah, it’s not easy to do laundry and watch football on tv at the same time when the laundry room of your apartment complex is down 6 flights of stairs and 200 yards away...

WTF?! Fact-checking your assertions and admitting fault when you’re wrong?

So let’s just cut to the chase:

And of course, Mr Breihan has covered that song here:

It’s worked out for Patrick Stewart, though. Sure, he started going bald even when he was a teenager, which was probably a tough thing for him as an actor, but he’s looked the same age for the last 60 years...

Yeah, Mad Men did a storyline on this, with Betty going to a psychiatrist and Don calling him up afterwards to see what he found out...

Now you’ve made me sad because we never got more of the Daryl Zero universe...


What about Bowie’s Cat People theme in Inglourious Basterds?