Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I went through the whole backlog a couple of months ago. It took me a couple of weeks, but it was well worth it. Don’t forgot that he puts up a new column every weekday, so you can follow along with the new ones as they go up. He did “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” today, which means I had Paul Simon stuck in my head

John Wayne could also steal a scene from a speechifying Jimmy Stewart by simply standing in the background and pouring a cup of coffee. So there’s that, too...

ikr, why are they calling an irishman and a jew “white”?

I don’t know. This just seems like the kind of specious crap rock critics come up with because they are so obsessed with crafting a “career narrative” for an artist that they can’t even hear what’s on the record. By this principle, “Let It Bleed” should be seen as an inferior record to “Beggar’s Banquet” because track

Sam: “Fuck. I feel like I’m on acid...”

Especially spot-on was “the sneeze that broke the camel’s back”.

An article about how much The Phantom Menace sucks on the AV Club and Jesse Hassenger hasn’t waded into the comments to belligerently defend it?

Wait! Bash is gay? Are you serious? This changes EVERYTHING....

It was in the book, so a lot of people already knew it from there even before they made the sequel...

Or the cheap, cheesy 1980 television movie of Brave New World...

She blowed up REAL good...

Yeah, he should have obviously written “MCMXCIX was such a good year for movies...” Lazy hack...

I don’t think Ebert was the most astute music critic. In his review of I AM TRYING TO BREAK YOUR HEART, he thought it was a pretty fascinating documentary in that it captured the pressures and complications of making an album for a major label, but he couldn’t see why they were making such a big deal about such

“Hello, Darkness, my old friend...”

Would still hit it, even at the risk of being murdered by Sam Elliott....but then what greater way to go out than being murdered by Sam Elliott for doing Katharine Ross?

Now playing

I was kind of mad that the Arrested Development clip they showed him wasn’t the clip of GOB’s coffin trick at his father’s funeral, not because it’s interesting as magic, but because it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen...

The Parade’s Gone By by Kevin Brownlow is a pretty comprehensive history of Hollywood in the silent era...

I think you’re missing the obvious, in that photorealistic merpeople are really kind of disgusting. How much sympathy can you feel for someone who is all slime and scales below the belt?

Betty Francis is gonna be so pissed when she finds out mutants have been squatting in her house...