Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I guess Stuber left him feeling he’d been Styft...

Yeah, to liberal Boomers and hippies, Julie Andrews was the Antichrist and The Sound of Music was more like The Sound of Armageddon...

I remember being fascinated by the tunnel plot as a kid. The idea of having tunnels under the town that let you go anywhere and eavesdrop on everything seemed so cool to me...

Me too...

I’m 15 years younger than you, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the movie in its entirety. I did have the Ronco compilation of Disney’s greatest hits on vinyl, though, so I heard “Chim Chim Cheree” and “A Spoonful of Sugar” over and over again. But I especially loved “Supercalifragilisticexpialodocius”, which was

I was prepared to be outraged that Broadway hasn’t done a revival with Grammer as Higgins because it seems like such a no-brainer, but Google tells me that, yes, it’s been done, and it was pretty well-received. So I guess I can just carry on...

The screenwriter Todd Alcott observed in one of his analyses of the Bond films that each movie stands or falls according to how it portrays the detective aspect of the story. He said it’s one of the reasons Casino Royale was such a return to form, because everything Bond does and everywhere he goes follows a logical

* 7 excruciating minutes of Danzig’s pale bare ass mime-thrusting into some poor unsuspecting young actress *

...last night.

Now playing

Come on! Danny’s great! Just ask Christopher Moltisanti! He took Ben Kingsley to fuckin’ acting school!

I’ve fallen behind on this season because I just really couldn’t get into it. As much as I like watching Oh and Comer, the reviews of the finale (here and elsewhere) find me thinking that I’m probably out at this point...

But does Drogon haunt his dreams like Khalil Mack does?

Yeah, this seemed weaker than the last few weeks to me too, but I laughed at the end when Nadja just strolled into the animal shelter and let them out...

What’s for afters?

I would have lost all faith in humanity if, showing up a day late, I did not see this already posted...

Also, the actor was Arj Barker, who played Jemaine and Bret’s American friend in Flight of the Conchords. He’s playing the lead werewolf, who was played in the movie version by their fellow kiwi Rhys Darby, who played their New Zealander friend who worked in the NZ embassy in New York in Flight of the Conchords. So

Really? I thought the pilot was dull. I thought this episode was hilarious. Y’all are watching a different show to me...

I don’t get this review. Last week was boring set-up. This week was hilarious. This reviewer sucks.

Is this an April Fool’s joke? Jarmusch getting all his famous friends to make a trailer for a popular genre he has no interest in and dropping it on the first of the month just for laughs?