Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Ok, guess you got me, but really...

Aw, you left out my favorite unidentified person, the Somerton Man from the Tamum Shud Case. Try googling that and not going down a wormhole for hours...

Christian Bale in The Machinist is now the paradigm for “body transformation” roles instead of DeNiro in Raging Bull?

Some years ago I became sort of obsessed with “What A Fool Believes” because it’s such an earworm, and I looked up the lyrics because I’d never paid much attention to them. And goddamned if, subject-matter-wise, it isn’t one of the most depressing songs I’ve ever heard. And of course, all sung to a completely bouncy,

Wizards think...they’re pretty smart...
Shit on the ground...see in the dark...

It’s spelled “Blink-182" but it’s pronounced “throat-warbler mangrove”...

I got vertigo watching “Finding Nemo” in the theater, especially anytime they pulled back to reveal the gaping abyss beneath the characters. Probably just me, though...

I have no idea who he is. Imdb tells me that I must have seen him in “You Can Count On Me” and “American Psycho”, but I have no recollection of him. So I guess that says something....

Just the “stuff you like”? She’s in 100% of everything now, isn’t she? At least that’s how it seems....

Remember that one time when Goyer had a good idea? *sighs*

No, but oddly enough, the review is. It’s actually something Clayton Purdom only imagined typing up in the moments before he died...

This movie hooked me on Johnnie To as well and let me tell you, it can be expensive trying to see his movies in the US...

As an old white dude who’s listening to Monae for the first time based on all the hype, I’m disappointed to say it’s sounding like a pretty generic pop album, up until “Make Me Feel”, which is playing right now and has a pronounced Prince influence. That’s giving me some hope...

They’re obviously fish with lungs no matter how much they “identify” as mammals....

Wait. That’s not Neil Breen?...

The writers on this site have just given up, haven’t they?

And that Kenneth Lonergan, he’s easy on the eyes, too...well, no he isn’t, but he’s actually the reason I’ll probably check this out, but Atwell makes it that much easier of a decision...

Blythe Danner looks like Helen Mirren in that header image.

Targaryen Way: the Boulevard of Fire and Blood

Yes.  I enjoyed it very much and found it quite thought-provoking. I do remember a couple of chapters not being my cup of tea (each chapter tackles a different topic), but overall I’d recommend it.