Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

That gif is downright hypnotizing. I can’t stop looking at it....

OK, but unlike with Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina, there was never a moment during Solaris when I was hoping Donatas Banionis would bust out his sweet dance moves...

It’s mounds of nonsense...

PRO TIP: You should only drink vodka in theaters where you have to smuggle in your own liquor, because other patrons could probably smell your bourbon and wine 5 rows away.

I don’t even follow comics, but I clicked on this post just to see what that shield was all about...

He captured Chase’s mannerisms and rhythms pretty well too I thought...

Probably no one will ever see this, but I’m just now watching the show, and I was sure Lisa’s niece was a ghost or vision or whatever you call it when dead people show up for the Fishers. David first sees her walking around alone in that room and talks to her with no one else around, and after that she never interacts

TWO L.A. Confidential alumni in this episode: Capt. Dudley Smith and Det. Richard Stensland. I wonder if they were in cahoots the whole time here as well...

Wow. What an amazing life. I’ve been watching this dude as long as I can remember but I didn’t know he had such an interesting back story.

The first professional stage production I ever saw was Uncle Vanya at the Goodman Theater in Chicago in the early 90s with Mahoney in the title role. It was also my first exposure to Chekhov. It blew my mind...

I think it’s implied that she’s been writing his more recent stuff, but it’s left ambiguous, and you don’t know how much you can trust what Audrey says, unless there’s other stuff in the text that makes it more explicit. Haven’t seen it in a few years. Maybe I’ll pull out my dvd...

I go to Chipotle because it’s the only place to get a good, fully-loaded veggie burrito (I have to moderate my meat intake due to health concerns). I live in the southwest where there are plenty of options for fast Mexican, but they just don’t make anything like that.

I thought Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Huh.

Hot take:

He should just call all of it “the funnies” like I do...

Someone else who loves Always Coming Home?! I thought I was the only one....

I tuned in to SNL for the first time in years after the football game was over, just to see who was on. The E! fashion show sketch was just starting. Seeing Sam Rockwell got my hopes up, but that sketch was so dire that I turned off the tv before it was over...

I understand how the set-ups that are overly gimmicky are off-putting. The most notorious example was that finale in Vancouver when they had to chip their ingredients out of a giant mound of ice. But I think this challenge was properly handled. It seems like they gave them a lot of time to play around with their

“She made an oven out of snow! Who does that?!”

I love Claudette, but I didn’t really know that until Last Chance Kitchen. The way her encyclopedic knowledge of Mexican cooking intimidates the other chefs is impressive.