Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

No matter how many times they try to reboot it, the 1942 Lewton/Tourneur film will always be the best!

Whatever. I’m just trying to say it’s sometimes hard to see this stuff outside of critically panned film adaptations. I don’t know what reaction you’re fishing for.

I sort of expected this. No, I think they should try to make the best film they can, it’s just that when you have no access to high-quality, professional stage productions, even films that “don’t quite work as films” can introduce you to authors and works that you would otherwise never have encountered. For example,

It always irks me when film critics complain that an adaptation of a play or musical is “stagebound” or not “cinematic” enough. It’s going to be the only way some of us get to see them.

I hadn’t heard about this, but I was intrigued, so I looked it up. If anyone is interested, google Cassandra Clare and plagiarism...

Bad Santa is awesome. I have a bi-yearly Xmas eve tradition of watching it back to back with Un conte de Noël. 

The despecialized versions are essential...

I think that these lines spoken by Bean as Ned Stark are the best lines to use if you’re trying to learn a Yorkshire accent: “The wolf is of the North. She deserves better than a butcher...”

Those ketchup-slathered monstrosities are known as “garbage”...

Yeah, the writing for the stand-up sequences is so great in this show. And you also get Sophie’s hacky but believable lowest-common-denominator routine for contrast in this episode.

I like to think of her as Clint Howard’s niece...

Oh, I get it! Jeff Gil-LOL-ly instead of Jeff Gillooly!

He’ll what?!

I remember John Waters included Antichrist in his year’s best films the year it came out. I hated that movie, but it made me think that maybe if I saw it again, trying to see it as a bunch of campy, transgressive, over-the-top nonsense the way I assumed Waters saw it, then maybe I would find it a real hoot...

Despite the caption informing me otherwise, I’d like to think that’s Bob Balaban in the monkey suit in the header photo, quietly asking himself, “How the fuck did I let myself get into this?...”

And “WDSTF” was such an obvious rip-off of “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” that it was impossible to take seriously by anyone with a more serious interest in rock and pop music at the time...

You don’t have community radio in your town? That’s all I ever listen to. KXCI here in Tucson streams at kxci.org. Maybe you could try that....

Replace The Carpenters and Neil Diamond with Anne Murray and Christopher Cross and I think it makes a better argument...

new website who dat?

I have no interest in this show, but the header image puts me in the mind of John Carpenter’s They Live. It’s just screaming out: