Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I don’t know if this is an original observation, but while reading this interview it occurred to me that much of what made Gollum work as a character in the Lord of the Rings films was the great chemistry between and among the actors he was onscreen with, especially Astin and Wood, i.e. they had great chemistry with

Now playing

No one’s done this one yet? I can’t believe no one’s done this one yet!


OK Connery is so overrated and pretentious I prefer The Bonds or Pablo Honey Rider...

The Lewton/Tourneur and Lewton/Wise films are streaming on Filmstruck! I’ve been watching them the last few weeks!

If you’re ever walking thru a long echo-y tunnel with some people, start whistling the X-Files theme. It really freaks them out.

mbs can’t log in

“others think” — nice weasel wordage dude

I’ve heard so much good stuff about this show, but I could never get around to catching up with past seasons (and I needed something to go with You’re the Worst on Wednesday nights), so I just plunged in with this episode tonight, and I really enjoyed it. It’s a really funny show. I realized I was probably missing a

If they wanted to be truly progressive that would have taken the extra step to cast an Asian woman in the role, like Emma Stone...

Come on, Donald! Charlie harmed fewer people than Joe Arpaio!

wtf is barackaobama lol

He was only 5 foot three but girls could not resist his stare...

I have no idea what this article is about.

And for HBO, you get access to their back catalog, and all the new episodes stream as soon as they are released in the Eastern Time Zone. Except Last Week Tonight, which is only made available for streaming 3 days later, for...reasons?

You should just not watch it now.

So you think Martin's going to finish the books?