Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Why you got to go and say fifty Slim Jims for? Why not thirty-five or thirty-nine?

Also, he was Puerto Rican. Why couldn't he just appreciate all that these fine upstanding neurotic fucked-up white people who never thought of him as a human being so much as a business weapon were doing for him? OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!

This comment just seems so naive in light of the coming Kinjapocalypse.

I think you mean "Jay R. Ferguson from Mad Men"….

I want to dream of Monica Belucci, but for some reason I only dream of Emma Watson. Story of my life…


I didn't notice, but I was wondering if they are going to have a conversation about it sometime….

NOTE: Cal died on the way back to Essos.

I'm really enjoying it. It's helping me get added value from my HBO streaming subscription. Before 6FU I tried watching Show Me A Hero and I just couldn't get into it for whatever reason, though I'm sure it's a great show and I'll eventually catch up to it. 6FU doesn't feel as much like homework.

Well, if we're gonna go down that road, how about the bowling alley sequence at the end of There Will Be Blood? Now there's some action!

I thought it was Crystal Gayle (Loretta Lynn's sister).

It just occurred to me that we've seen Pod get his ass kicked so much by Brienne that at some point he's going to get into a real battle and reveal that the training actually worked and that now he's actually a kick-ass fighter. Does that sound right to anyone else?

Is Psalm-rolling a thing?

"Fellas, I'm ready to get up and do my thing! I wanta get into it, man, you know, like a, like a fuck-engine, man…"

You probably put ketchup on your hot dogs.

Yeah, "manic, bald and desperate" really suits him! I too noticed that the actor was really bringing it this week.

Yeah, but try sending letters to all the constituents of the national legislature in whatever country you live about the recent outbreak of zombie attacks in your region and see where that gets you…

Much the same. Found the movie mildly amusing on first viewing, but then went to see it at the Cult Classics series at the local arthouse, and the absurdity of it all just clicked with me.

Or as I like to call him, BBQuentyn Martell…

"I've been to Vidal Sassoon."