Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Which is the plane where Jonathan Richman goes to meet up with girls who won't sleep with him when he's all alone in his room?

Everyone has an accent.

You mean her "bebbies".

(Read the following text in your best David Lynch as Gordon Cole voice)


And I'm 9 more months later! I'm watching the show for the first time because I started subscribing to HBO 's streaming service not too long ago and it looked like a fun one to catch up on.

Vulture posted this short interview which I found interesting with the actor who plays Candie in which she elucidates her take on the character:

I agree about Ashbrook's performance. I rewatched the original series, and it seemed to me that Bobby, the character, was performing the role of "bad boy" even though it didn't really fit him, which is why he was so over-the-top most of the time, except for those few quiet scenes with his parents, where Ashbrook

If you like Missandei so much, here's a video that tells you how to date her:

At first I was mad that the pizza I ordered was late, but after that scene I was thankful.

I was getting a Flash Gordon vibe from it.

Actually, I invited my ex-gf to a showing of Seven Samurai at the local arthouse theater. She's no cinephile, so I was surprised by how much she was into the movie at intermission, and she enjoyed the whole thing immensely. It's just so packed with humanity and action that almost anyone can get into it, and it makes

In Westeros, it's "Gods Save The Queen".

I love that episode but it seems like I only read negativity about it on the internet. When Faith-in-Buffy starts pounding on her body and screaming about how disgusting she is and how much she hates her, it's one of my favorite emotional beats in the whole series (ugh, I just made a bad pun, didn't I?…) in terms of

He was the ginger weasel who was singing.

Someone in a nearby thread made a Vin Diesel joke, so when I read "Michelle Gomez" in your post I was thinking of Michelle Rodriguez, and I was really confused for a second—not that I don't think Michelle Rodriguez is a better actor than the parts she gets, but that she just doesn't seem right for Doctor Who…

My name is Smoketoomuch. Mr. Smoketoomuch….

It makes me sick that Hollywood & Teevee never figured out how to use Chris Eigeman. Think of all the great performances we've missed out on over the years because the Powers That Be didn't know what to do with him….

But I'd rather date Nathalie Emmanuel. Is there some way to get help with that?

Here's how cool I am: I've seen Bob Dylan and Neil Young both exactly twice