Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

How Donnie is more comfortable with Helena than with Sarah or Cosima?

me too

There's definitely the potential for a Jacob's Ladder reading of this one, starting from either the moment Nora cried out in the tank, or even back to when her family disappeared.

I don't believe Nora for a second. And I'm so happy that the show gave me that option.

At first I thought the pigeons coming back at the end was a bit much, but then I realized that their symbolic return wasn't so much confirming the truth of anything Nora said or implying that their reconciliation was rooted in the indisputable reality of their love for one another. Instead it just suggested that she

"people eating or experimenting on dogs"

My favorite Jared line was after Richard described what happened between Liz and him (as quoted at the end of the review) and Jared replies: "I'm sure it was magnificent."

Or there are the kids with oddly shaped faces with big eyes who look really cute when young but grow up to seem kind of insectoid…

Ann Dowd and Margo Martindale in True West.

I thought Kevin killing his doppleganger by piercing his side was another reference to JC.

My dad took me to see it when I was 7 during the original release or the re-release the next year. My excitement while watching the movie progressed in 3 stages. Stage 1: I put my feet up on the seat and press my knees to my chest, throwing my arms around my shins. Stage 2: I put my hands down on the seat and start to

I'm sure you know I was joking, but I'll just say it anyway…

In honor of the 40th anniversary of THE STAR WARS, the AV Club has posted a link to a catalog of selected articles about the aforementioned film. There is, it seems to me, a conspicuous absence in the catalog the AV Club has elected to share. Namely, the most widely read and discussed of all the site's articles about

My sense of foreboding concerning Gloria's fate was somewhat assuaged this week by the revelation that her non-existence from technology's point of view may actually be her secret superpower.

I also saw it once and remember nothing about it. I'm not sure that's a mark of quality.

I don't like looking for "clues" in an artist's lyrics after something like this happens, and I'm not saying this confirms anything, but the man did write a song called "Like Suicide", so I assume that he had wrestled with suicidal feelings in the course of his life.

I just want to say that my feelings of foreboding for Gloria and the other women in this story continue. Gloria and Winnie are shut down by Chief Dammik, and Nikki is beaten to within an inch of her life. Like I said last week, I think Hawley is showing a society whose attitudes toward women have taken an intolerant

The words "fact" and "factual" were thrown around so much I couldn't help but notice that.

He was really funny in this though. Some of his line readings nearly had me rolling on the couch.

bit of a homophobic comment…