Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

If you're 46 years old and have never caught a glimpse of 2 men having sex in any form, you're probably such a prude that you're better off dead.

I liked how his semen was flame shooting thru his lover's transparent body. I wish my semen was like that.

I don't remember the book that well, but I recognized the con from the scene in Northern Exposure where Valerie Perrine shows up in town as Holling's daughter and pulls it on Shelly, but Chris in the Morning happens to be sitting nearby and catches her.

For some reason, something about this show this season so far is just clicking with me. I probably wouldn't have so much to say as a regular reviewer. Thanks for the compliment, though.

I'm so glad you touched on the scene between Gloria and the chief, because that seemed like a key scene to me this week.

I finally pushed myself thru all of season 2 a couple of months ago in preparation for the revival, but if that wasn't coming up, I wouldn't have bothered. It was quite a slog.

Jared definitely fucks.

Exactly. I thought the best thing about Russ's last appearance when he advised Richard to follow the idea that really excited him (as expressed in the most inappropriate sexual metaphors, of course) was that it showed him to be not a buffoon who made his money by luck, but someone who had true insight into people and

So that's where Carrie Coon would have gone if they had decided she was worthy of being zapped in their machine—oh, wait, different show, same night…

I didn't watch that show, but looking over the grades, it looks like a complete clusterfuck.

I usually hate quibbling over grades, but let me explain:

Also, Topeka Orgasm would be a great name for a band.

I saw it in the theater and thought it was a really taut action/suspense flick. I haven't seen it in years, but I'm having a hard time imagining what Breihan's problems with it were.

Sort of related: my dad once told me that when he saw The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the theater upon its original release, people laughed when the captions appeared on screen as each of the main characters was introduced. He was annoyed because he thought it was actually pretty cool. I think he said they were

Gladiator bored me near to death. Phoenix stabbing Crowe backstage before fighting him in public is the only thing I remember about it (did I get that right? That's what happened isn't it?).

I did the same thing, but about a year ago! The scene in the first one where Yen kicks the ass of a dude wielding a sword with just a feather duster made me an instant Yen fan.

Sorry, I should have said "seemingly unrelated". In A Serious Man, there is never any explicit connection between the opening scene and the following narrative, though one can argue that they are related thematically. As for the Yuri Gurka connection, Varga's henchman is too young to be the Gurka referred to in the

I think what everyone is missing with this episode and the season in whole is the inspiration from and connection to A Serious Man. First off, in this episode, there's the presence of Fred Melamed, and in the entire season, Michael Stuhlbarg. And then there's the paradoxical opening scene of the series, completed

Walt's had a stuffed teddy bear floating in it. Tony's had a real live bear that would occasionally visit.

Yeah, dragging the whole production overseas doesn't really qualify as a "bottle episode". Unless the "real live Australian outback" was just a set they had lying around on the backlot.