Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I agree. I hadn't seen her in anything before and she really stuck out to me in such a small role. I looked her up immediately after I finished watching.

wtf is starz lol

I just wish we could have seen Freddy Rumsen play a tune on his zipper first…

"bad eastern European teeth" and "clownish fake accent"

It's only bad if it has a goatee.

I've wondered if this show airs in Russia, and what the Russians would think of it. It would be interesting to know.

Oleg's story line is putting me thru the wringer. The writers are so great about not telegraphing where any of the story lines are headed, there are a dozen scenarios for Oleg that would be both plausible as narratives and thematically satisfying. Oleg could die in the next episode, or he could navigate his way thru

Actually, for a fee you can subscribe to HBO thru Amazon in a service that is almost identical to HBO Go, except that they don't make Last Week Tonight episodes immediately available for some reason. I tried to do HBO Go first, but they wouldn't let me download the app to my device because I didn't have the right

Does anyone else get HBO thru Amazon Prime? All the new shows go up almost as soon as they air, except Last Week Tonight, which used to go up on Monday, but last week went up on Tuesday. I don't know how long I'll have to wait to see it this week. I really don't understand why HBO is doing this.

I don't know, I think it would be pretty fucking scary to move into a house and discover that Tom Green was doing an awkward, barely-watched, internet-streamed talk show inside your walls. Actually, that's the movie I wrote in my head after reading the headline and the first sentence of this review…

Oh, for a second there I thought you were talking about Aslan the magical, resurrected lion who died and arose from the dead to save an alternate universe filled with talking animals and mythological creatures accessed thru a closet in some old English dude's attic or something…

OH, come on! You fixed it? No my comment makes no sense.

Aslan? The magical, resurrected lion?

I don't know if you watched it, but I thought the casting of Robin Weigert and Alexander Skarsgård in Big Little Lies was some of their best use of HBO vets ever.

Well, it was a little creepy, but they make it clear that there was no dispute and Nora acquiesced to Christine's claim immediately, so it's justified to see Christine's behavior as a bit dickish, instead of greeting the woman who cared for the child she abandoned for a year with a little more warmth. Unless they

I was thinking, "Emmy nomination episode?" Unless a later episode gives her even more to do, that is…

Apparently those names are aliases for Lindelof and Perrotta as determined by the online Wu-Tang name generator. I got "Pesty Criminal".

I was thinking maybe he posted it online. You know, he's not lying because there's only one hard copy.

I immediately went to Pornhub and searched "milf trampoline".

Is "Stati G" a member of the Wu-Tang Band?