Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Well, we know JFK was a shameless philanderer, and that LBJ could be devastatingly persuasive, especially, um, anatomically, so it seems to me that the person who would deny that Jackie had the motive and the motivation to conspire against her husband with the VP is the one who is being naive…

I made this point recently in a discussion elsewhere in the Disqusverse where we were dissecting his accent, which is completely unnatural, but it works because he IS just a program pretending to be human.

I deleted my post because I misunderstood the context of your comment.

It's so good that people (especially critics) have to start nitpicking it just to find anything to say.

I know all these words but they make no sense to me in the order presented here.

Actually, it was:

I seem to remember reading that there were plenty of Irish immigrants who fought in the US Civil War, so it seems like a wise choice to me.

My memory might be off. I seem to remember the sound cutting out at the beginning of "National Anthem", but I remember the end of the song, especially Yorke substituting scat-singing for a horn section. It was still plenty annoying though.

As I mentioned below, it kept happening over and over again, not just twice.

It happened at least 4 times, usually after a song had started. The sound never came back until the song was over, so the outages went on for several minutes at a time. The songs affected (that I remember) were "Ful Stop", "15 Step", "National Anthem" & "Let Down".

I watched the live feed of this on YouTube. I didn't know the audio problems were happening at the venue as well. I'd had the feed on all evening to listen to music while I was dicking around online, without a single problem. Then Radiohead comes on, the one band I really wanted to see, and….

I only know "Closer" because I flew home to visit my parents last year and the radio in the rental car was tuned to the local R&B station. Knowing I wasn't going to find anything better, I left it there. The first couple of times I heard the song, I thought it was kind of catchy, and I had a good chuckle over the

Stop These Mortal Engines, Or My Mom Will Shoot!


"Mama always said life is like a box of pain. You never know when a gom jabbar is going to stab you in the throat."

Don't worry. The Dems always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Trump will somehow make this shitstorm work for him like he always does . . .

Is that the show Vila started when they fired him from the original This Old House?

Stupid fucking kids can't draw! Ha ha ha!
