Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Eh, I've never seen an attribution for that statement about Eliot. It's probably an urban legend or false factoid or something.

If you don't have a thing against Bond films, just see Casino Royale. That's the movie that made everyone fall in love with her, and she doesn't even take her clothes off.

The Sound and the Fury of Werewolves by Y.B.S. Dijna. Coming in 2017.

and you want to cross your DNA
to cross your DNA with something reptile

I had a minor TV geek nerdgasm tonight when I realized the actor that played Charles Guiteau, the assassin of president James A. Garfield, in the dramatic recreation segments of tonight's episode of American Experience, was Will Janowitz, who played Finn on The Sopranos. He was really good, too, and I thought his

What about Lot? Nobody's done that one. That would be pretty hot.

"Did you hear about the Sumerian?"

I got a soundbar with a subwoofer a few years ago and was all excited about it because of my TV's anemic speakers. Unfortunately, the subwoofer works so well that it pretty much vibrates my whole apartment building, so after many complaints from the neighbors, I had to disconnect it. Turns out the soundbar on its own

Actually, the take on the Bootleg Series is the first one I heard, so it's pretty easy for me to pretend the "official" version doesn't exist.

The first time I saw this, I thought the whole date sequence was the kind of hokey "Ford-corn" (is that a thing?) that you just have to learn to accept to enjoy his movies, but the way it eventually sets up the ending was absolutely devastating.

I just finished Wait Until Spring, Bandini in John Fante's Bandini Quartet. I plan on continuing with that (though I've already read Ask the Dust) while also taking in some stories by George Saunders, specifically from his collection Pastoralia.

You just beat me to it.

This is the first time I've watched SNL in probably a decade, because it was on right after the sportsball match and I wanted to see what they could come up with for Adam Driver to do (not much, unfortunately). I only made it about halfway thru, but I want to ask regular viewers: does Cecily Strong wear costumes this

Wait…what? Come on! … What? Come on! … What? Come on! Come on! … What? Come on!

I'm having a hard time parsing the final elimination decision considering what the editors decided to show us. I guess it's the classic toss-up between execution and conception. But slightly overcooked lamb is worse than a plate of slimy Cthulhu balls? Really?

Nah, not buying it. Blonde out of a bottle never worked for anyone but Marilyn Monroe and Madonna. And maybe Lady Gaga.

It's like Refn confuses "existential" with "a lot of random shit happening."

The A.V. Club

Another thing about Bowie is that his birthday was January 8. Which is the same day that Elvis was born, as well as my sister.