Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

I just listened to it last night and loved it. So it was weird to see this news break.

Actually, it's "Jemaine" without the "r".

Shannon wasn't really doing an impression, but he was cracking me up, which is most important.

I love how this post went up in the dead of night, as if William Hughes had somehow hooked up Google alert to his alarm clock in case something like this should happen.

Well, the headline tells me he won American Idol, but I still say "Who?"


Actually, if Wikipedia is to be believed, he tried to submit it to his publisher when asked for a sequel to The Hobbit.

1. Your response has nothing to do with my point, which is that people are taking this show way too seriously, even though that's not the tone of the show.

I didn't get that out of it at all. It's a very playful and fun series. But I guess YMMV, as you kids like to say.

I honestly don't understand what some people think they're supposed to get out of this show. The fucking meaning of fucking life?

To my ears, it doesn't seem that the music is being used any differently here than it has been in past episodes. It's constantly intrusive and overbearing, regardless of whether the scene is going for big emotions or zany comedy. It's something I've decided I just have to accept, because I enjoy almost everything else


Actually, that's been a problem for a long time. The scores are so intrusive and loud that I find myself turning down the volume, then when we get back to dialogue I have to turn it up because I can't even hear what anyone is saying.

I honestly remember nothing about "The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe", even after reading your short quasi-recap. Maybe that's indicative of why it's not too highly regarded.

Missy and River fighting

The fanart I've seen has Clara, Ashildr, and Capt. Jack, but Prof. Song would work in well too.

Wait. Jesse Hassenger didn't use this opportunity to try to push the Star Wars prequels on us again? Am I on right site?

I vote for the one about Chuck Pagano as avant-garde artist/coach.

Yeah, I was drunk and lazy.

I'm sure John Wayne's Teeth is a reference to this, though maybe the author didn't think it was necessary to mention it: