Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Some guys try to pick up girls
and get called asshole
this never happened to
Nacho Picasso…

Pick any word at random, stick -core onto it, then go google it and I guarantee you you'll get hits.

I just finished catching up with both seasons of You're the Worst and I have to say I don't get the appeal of Desmin Borges. It's like he's doing a David Schwimmer impersonation.

I said this a few weeks ago: they cast someone who was not ready from the standpoint of her culinary skills because she's photogenic. I feel bad that she pushed herself on the producers/let herself get talked into it (whichever) because it could derail her career.

The big takeaway from this episode is "Fuck Grayson".

Mortdecai, Manglehorn and Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl.

Even the title is lazy.

When "War Pigs" started playing I turned the sound up as loud as I could, neighbors in my thin-walled apartment building be damned!


I don't know. The finale has the scene where she breaks down and cries, which is what Emmy voters are looking for.

I was watching that whole drive like that. At one point a pick-up pulls out behind them and starts following them and I was like "Oh shit! Is that Hanzee?"

But was it a Selectric?


The only thing I didn't like about this episode was how

I really, really enjoyed the Fante. Have you read any more of the Bandini series? I was wondering which I should read next.

Yeah, I read it for the first time in my mid-40s, just because it's something I'd always meant to "get around to" (as the headline says), so I probably had a completely different perspective on it from most first-time readers. I also thought it made a good companion piece to Ask the Dust, both being "coming of age"

I really wonder how someone like Angelina ends up on the show. In 5 years or so, with more experience under her belt, she might actually be a competitor. But she really doesn't belong in the competition yet, and I wonder if it was her own choice to audition, or if someone she works for pressured her to try out for

Unless your goal in life is the meaningless slaughter of rock stars and politicians.

No. Absolutely not.

Yeah, he's on my list, too.