Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

Actually, I went on a le Carre binge last year before the hard-boiled binge. I've read all his stuff chronologically up thru the Karla trilogy, except Naive and Sentimental Lover, which to read about doesn't seem that interesting. You're right, there's so much detective story DNA in his novels, it inspired me to go

MIdway thru the first page, I decided that book just wasn't for me, mainly because I found the characters insufferable.

No, I only read the three I mentioned.

The problem with Catcher in the Rye is that all discussion of the book devolves into a referendum on whether one identifies with the character of Holden Caulfield or thinks he is an asshole. I think it's supposed to be an exploration of grief in which a traumatized character does, indeed, sometimes act like an

Yeah, I've read that one. That's a pretty good trilogy.

I finally plunged into some classic hard-boiled fiction, namely all of Dashiell Hammett's novels and some of his Continental Op stories, Chandler's The Big Sleep, and James M. Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice, Double Indemnity, and Serenade.

My mom had an ornament that played a music box version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" that I grew up with without really knowing anything about the words to the song. And I've gotta say, the melody alone without all the "nudge nudge, wink wink" of the lyrics is really quite charming, and that's still the version

The saddest thing is that no one else has seemed to notice. Most comments are just pointing out the misspelling of David Coverdale's name.

Wait, who's King of Breakfast? Is that Walter White, Jr., or Henry Jennings?

I have found that before I watch a movie at home, it's really fun to go to Hulu and click on a Harold Lloyd comedy short. It's just like an old time motion picture program! Except without the newsreel. Maybe soon I'll start getting into his full-length features, too.

Now the dogs have truly begun to smell her…

"My wife, she's an actress and a model, and she knows all about nutrition…"

Or 100 Years of Solitude

That's right, the Mascara Snake!

Honestly, I'd rather date Nathalie Emmanuel. Is there some way I could find out how to do that?

Perhaps this "Janice in accounting" compilation video will help to tide you over.

In my town, a locally-owned coffee shop that I frequented was booted from a location it had been in for nearly a decade by the landlord to make way for a Jersey Mike's. So I've vowed never to eat at Jersey Mike's, because that shit is heinous.

I'm ready to see Tennant and Hiddleston team up in the next Avengers joint.

That's how I watched it. But even with the riffing, it's still a tough, tough sit.

WTF?!!! Jane isn't TOP FUCKING PICK this week!!!! With Jane worrying that Mateo will be spoiled by his inheritance and her professor against her, and Rogelio agonizing over his new show, and Petra up in arms about her sham marriage and turning to Jane to get her mother out of prison, and Michael being determined to