Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

He definitely has a type…

I think "A Hard Rain…" would have been better

C'mon bro, Mulder explained that years ago.

I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Beema. I mean, how many body shops can there be in a town of that size?

I thought for sure we were gonna see Michael Hogan's amazing acting buttcrack in that shot of him from behind in the hospital gown, just like we saw his amazing acting eye in BSG when he was wearing the eyepatch, but no such luck :(

Plemons is an underplayer. In the previous performances of his that I've seen (Breaking Bad, The Master [I have not seen Friday Night Lights]), I thought he was quite effective. But never was his underplaying as suited to the character as it is in this role, a stoic, emotionally suppressed Midwesterner. I think he's

"The red hots are for my mommy!"

Maybe the best way to do it is to offer several plausible explanations within the work with none of them being presented as the "true" and "correct" motivation. Sort of like Heath Ledger's Joker giving several different explanations for his facial scarring.

It's too bad Cooper doesn't have Michael Ian Black to play off of in every role.

I was literally rolling on my sofa laughing at that Best Western reveal. Next season, they'll fly the designers to Kalispell, MT & have them take their inspiration from the La Quinta Inn & Suites on Route 2 across from the Applebee's.

I really, really want to see Capaldi's Doctor tell Jack to stop it the second he tries to introduce himself to Ashildr.


Having had Siamese Dream on constant repeat thru college, I laughed when I first heard "Bullet" a few years later. It put me off of this album for years.

We kind of already did. Or at least Erik Adams did…


I just caught up with season 1 last month so I'm really stoked about this!

Wait until the hair starts coming out of your ears…

What's really funny is that Sean Connery was originally part of that bodybuilder culture that led to the whole hairlessness fad, but now he's being ridiculed for how hairy he was later in his career:

I was actually expecting someone to make exactly this comment. I completely understood and identified with Phil's actions and found the gun scene hilarious, but then again I'm a lifelong fuckup, and fuckups always find a way to fuck up. I wonder if the writers' dedication to Phil as a fuckup is going to undermine all

I read quite a few of those books as a young lad & I admit I don't remember a lot about them, but that HQ was amazing. IIRC, they even had it outfitted with periscopes.