Yuhaddabia "Big Shot" Dinja

It's such a shame because they really cast the shit out of that movie, and they'll never be able to nail it like that again. I would add Nicole Kidman to your list of actors perfectly suited to their roles.

It's such a shame because they really cast the shit out of that movie, and they'll never be able to nail it like that again. I would add Nicole Kidman to your list of actors perfectly suited to their roles.

That's the thing, Rosa, where I come from, our collaborator's don't have stride mothers who make $97/hr on the web and are able to buy a brand new McLaren F1 after earning 18,512$ in a month. I don't relate to it at all, and if it's not presented to me in a way that arouses my empathy, I just don't give a shit.

I found the characters insufferable and put the book down after 3 or 4 paragraphs. But I guess YMMV….

I thought he looked like Fred Armisen doing a character.

Isn't that headline a lyric from "Peace Frog"?

You don't put George Clooney in some fruity movie about suffering — I think we're together on that!

That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage.

So this is a glitch in The Matrix, right? And my whole world is about to collapse on itself?

Bresson. I get how he was independently pursuing his personal vision against all obstacles, but he only seems to have mastered having an amateur actor walk past a camera 50 times with the final take looking just as awkward and self-conscious as the last.

Encyclopedia Dramatica?

Liked for the phrase "stride close relative".

8) i.e., it's my penis that is the joke.

7) No, that would be my penis.

5) Maybe it was just a joke.

I don't know. I thought he did a good job of breaking down how the lyrics were just a string of cliches.


That video was refreshingly free of Elliott's singing.

I thought Nyqvist was great in that role, playing a guy who knows he's doomed but in an understated way, and bringing the wit when the script required it.

No, it should be "Under My Thumb": "…the sweetest PET in the world"