Y Tu Mamá Randy Winn

She’s a terrible person.

Well, I suppose “World Series Game 7" is technically the game of his life.

I hated the headline.

Half the time he isn’t even right? Ugh. That really sounds to me as if he’s a moron. (And the anti-GMO stuff seems to indicate that, as well.)

Yep, that’s a good point. I think I’m mainly irritated that the fallout of this is that sometimes I feel mildly inconvenienced because of it. (And yes, I realize how lame it is that I’m whining about being mildly inconvenienced.)

I think it should always be OK to correct someone who makes a clearly incorrect statement. (Well, maybe not at a wedding or a funeral - but otherwise, go for it.)

But really, the problem isn’t that he wants to be right; it’s that he’s a moron.

The first quote is correct. Men ARE regularly condescending to women. And the men who say, “You don’t understand, darlin’” are probably the same idiots who don’t realize that women -GASP - actually are people who know things.

All of these examples make me (admittedly, an asshole) angry because most of the time the man doing the ‘splaining is a total moron.

I know absolutely nothing about this, but whenever I see armored police attacking a peaceful citizen trying to vote, I’m gonna assume that the cops are on the side of evil.

Honest question: I voted for Trump in the primary because I thought Cruz had a better chance of winning in the general. When Trump won the nomination, I was excited because I was sure he’d lose.

The only car you could afford was $7000? That seems unlikely.

That’s a good point. PFT and Big Cat are more or less openly mocking all of the morons that the rest of Barstool caters to.

We mainly played at the Mirage and the Flamingo - that was last October. Both rooms were very well-run and had a nice mix of players, also.

The draft is designed to save money for the owners.

That’s a fair point. They aren’t wrong to stand up for their beliefs; standing up for your beliefs is a pretty good thing to do. Of course, if your beliefs are silly and hateful, then that’s a problem.

You’re one of the lucky few to not know.

I’ve taken 4-day vacations to Vegas or Tunica during which I’ve played 60 hours of cards, and had a lot of fun doing it.

Yeah, the aggression and bullying are probably the worst hallmarks of the poker asshole. Some of these guys (and they’re always guys) start beating a 4/8 limit game for a while and all of a sudden think they’re Scotty Nguyen. It’s quite irritating.

That’s fair. I suppose the only thing keeping Chad Pokerbro from being Mr. Bad Beat Story is that Chad isn’t smart enough to realize what the term “bad beat” means for most people.