Y Tu Mamá Randy Winn

This drives me crazy - no, I absolutely do NOT have to respect everyone’s opinions and feelings. Some people have shitty opinions.

Maybe that’s because the LIB MEDIA has brainwashed you, did you ever think about that? I did some hacking and I can tell you sent your message from a SWEEDISH phone. Your probably not even from America I bet.

Sent from my Atari Jaguar

There’s something about those brassy hockey songs that rubs me the right way.

“Also you’re a cunt”

I’m assuming the other dad was trolling.

The important thing is for all of us to come together and say, all together: Fuck Him.

I agree with everything you said, and it also rankles me when I hear Penn State mentioned in the same discussion as this.

I spent 4 summers living in Bellevue/Redmond during college from ‘98-01 and never heard anyone mention the Seahawks for any reason whatsoever. Nobody cared - they were too busy putting glitter on their Dan Wilson “Dan-O-Mite” posterboard signs.

I never believed that Pete Carroll could do something that I’d find sillier than his weird 9/11 trutherism. Guess I was wrong. Fire up the tagline, boys:

Allow me to retort: as a man, fuck him.

Boy, “Trump people” really could mean a lot of different things. But you know what? I think I absolutely know what you mean.

I think there’s a pretty simple explanation: those fellas are morons.

One question: if they don’t help with the kids they already have, isn’t their claim that they are “definitely done!” a good thing?

Every time I’m at a game and a woman is into it, I think it’s awesome. I also know that there are tons of guys for whom that would be a problem.

Sure, plenty of men are dicks - and it’s inexplicable to me why some guys don’t think that women can understand how sports work. That’s lunacy. But then again, sports fans are kinda dumb to begin with, so it’s not a huge shock that douchebros think that women don’t understand how the offside rule works.

While that’s certainly true - our POTUS is trash, and plenty of men are trash - the “entitlement” isn’t the reason for quotas in co-ed leagues.

I think you’re underestimating the difference.

The best part of competitive “getting drunk and hanging out” is that even when you lose, you win!

It’s a simple solution - if there really isn’t a difference between the skill level of men and women, just scrap the minimum requirement rule. If a team would like to play 11 men or 11 women, that’s no problem at all.