How many of these are kid-friendly?
How many of these are kid-friendly?
Just can’t come to grips with Baron Mordo not being Asian. I get it, just can’t let go of the investment. Look at all the replies above that come tumbling down! So much time you’ll never have back.
lol. Say it a few more times, maybe a genie will appear and grant your wish that Karl Amadeus Mordo is Asian. It’s the key to all the time you’ve spent trying to convince everyone here that the casting was “blackwashing”. It would be a *shame* for that time to be so obviously wasted.
LoL ok man. I’m totally comfortable knowing what people are going to see in those pictures. You keep being you.
“Shit like this makes me want to bang my head repeatedly off of a table.”
“So what about the black washing that happened then?”
Related hobby: TV shows that regularly excerpt awesome songs you know or have to look up. See, e.g., Lucifer.
Awesome, my library has all 3 in their eBook collection!
This is obviously bad, but I believe there’s more not being reported. Wilson gave up *a lot* of money he could have demanded under contract, which was speculated over Twitter when the news broke that he took a greatly reduced amount on the way out the door as a way of buying Indiana’s silence on whatever it is that…
I think that picture is BS. That angle was never shown.
“I think that’s pretty inspiring, especially for women who have been raped, don’t you think? :)“
Jesus that whole into was chilling, but true.
Stewart seems to think, if this interview is an accurate portrayal of his thoughts on this election, that the worst effect on the most-affected people from the results of this election will be “uncertainty and insecurity.”
“humanity-saving ink”
The footballs were retrieved!
I guess I was assuming you were doing more than tilting at windmills. Whatever floats your boat.
“Open borders is a terrible concept.”