I consider the cotton swabbing of my ears post shower to be more about soaking up the moisture that made its way in there. I don’t have particularly dirty or waxy ears, but water in my ears makes me nuts.
I consider the cotton swabbing of my ears post shower to be more about soaking up the moisture that made its way in there. I don’t have particularly dirty or waxy ears, but water in my ears makes me nuts.
“if you have to force, its not equality”
Might, eventually, and something are doing a lot of heavy lifting in this sentence
You can include an ad between every description but not a single photo?
Harassment is bad actually, and isn’t okay or deserved if the target is famous. Hope that helps.
Basically, it’s when sun and moon are aligned in the sky at night
Christ with each comment you show how fucking dumb you are. First momma would never associate with white trash like you. I mean really Chd don’t flatter yourself no black wome or woman of color wants your flat ass and I think that is where a large part of your frustration comes from. Second you had it at 3-1? I mean…
Not gonna lie, I lost it at “becoming a rapper”. Live the dream Granny Q.
To be fair, the show has done little to no build up of David’s multiple personalities.
Because shut up, Kyle.
I’m Tish James..... Bitch!
I’m so glad she told that cop she was scared of him. I feel like there’s some kind of unspoken stereotype of black folk not feeling emotions like “fear” or “sadness” or “ennui” or “existential terror”. We only get “animalistic anger” or “child-like jolliness”. And we all know what the cops zero in on and expect to…
You can try and rationalize it any way you choose. But in a year a half, we’ll probably be in the exact same situation, and if the Bernie supporters don’t support the Democratic nominee, Trump will be back for four more, and the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation or more.
Lauren Duca (maybe) got drunk at a work party and did some stupid shit in 2015. It (probably) led to her moving on from HuffPo. Since then, she’s gone viral and moved up in the world, but “everybody” (the media cliques running around on the east coast) still subtweets about her stupid shit. Jezebel’s tired of the…
I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:
Seriously. More Magicians coverage please.
I’m not sure about Smith as Neo, but I think Kilmer could’ve been as great a Morpheus as Fishburne.
Couple of notes: