
That’s the worst part to me . . . the best parts of what he’s proposing such as significant infrastructure and inner city projects Senate leadership has already said they don’t have any interest in. It’s like the Republican Congress is taking Trump’s entire brain vomit of ideas for his first 100 days and sieving out

Hopefully all the 3rd party protest vote assholes are happy watching the world burn so that they could stick to their principled purity. Fuck.

Middle age white professional Midwestern male, enthusiastic HRC voter. 2-time enthusiastic Obama voter. Need that Senate 2016!!

White guy here trying to think through part of this one. Looking at it now, it’s easy to see the criticism. What I’m struggling with though is that a big part of the criticism of pieces like this is when white performers come up with an idea, and execute on an idea, without any input from PoC. When (us) white

“Sure, such behavior from people is revolting”

That’s not what either demand side economics or supply side economics means. You’ve picked a really strange issue to be so invested in.

Like so many issues with phrasing, there’s a difference between saying it from the inside versus saying it about someone else. If you friend talked about struggling with “handling it” some days, that’s their experience from the inside. You, or Trump, from the outside, shouldn’t use the same phrasing (unless you’re

Because she’s made just enough mistakes to be portrayed as falsely equivalent to Trump in honesty so she doesn’t get a boost. Right or wrong, it’s true.

lol you can smell the projection from a mile away.

“The Seattle Seahawks Said Nothing”


“And more importantly why does the fact that we clearly disagree about that make you so made?”

“probably got distractedly”

“And it’s not a hot take. It’s a consistent take.”

“then your highly misguided.”

“Anyone whose not a complete moron knows their is injustice in the legal system on a systemic level.”

“I don’t believe that protesing at work should be tolerated.”

Yes, they are protesting *at work*. *You* are *not comfortable* with that. You’ve then expended a great amount of time explaining how their protest could *make you comfortable* (having it not at work). And you’re trying to call me out as having low reading comprehension? Fucking rich. I was right on the head the first

I’m not sure you understand what “exact opposite” means. Let’s take a look at the way, way, way back machine where I said:

tl;dr version of your entire contribution so far: “They aren’t protesting in a way that makes *ME* comfortable! Only if they protest in a way that *I* approve is it ok!!”