
"not every man is a rapist"

"not every man is a rapist"

Reward cowardice? Man, at this point I hope you do just keep talking. Please, go on.

a. Not a woman, just a human being with empathy and an ability to understand statistics.

"I am not affected by the situation"

"Someone that thinks white hetero males don't understand anything."

"Ah, obviously you didn't see the part about my life experiences. "


"I'm white. I'm male. I'm heterosexual."

Getting drunk after hours in the workplace to make sexual advances in the workplace in a location where you and your co-worker are alone != "Are we to decide that they can never pursue a relationship or sexual encounters with said women because it's "unprofessional"?

I think it's really weird you opened with the military, because your wife's personal experience notwithstanding, the statistics and scandals about sexism, about sexual assault in the military, at the academies, do not paint a flattering light *at all* of that aspect of our military institutions. The enforcement

"Her assessment is as fair as mine.'"

I am seeing a lot of hate for the Bears O-Line in the comments, so fine, it's not a great line, but Cutler sure as shit hasn't helped himself. After prepping for every game by watching Brett Favre tape Clockwork Orange-style, he holds onto the ball like he's waiting for Godot before thinking that his arm can bail him

Why the Bears suck this year? How is this not a 4,000 word article consisting of "Jay Cutler" repeated 2,000 times?

I was just going off the original story:

"No crime against hiring young and cheap especially if that is your business model."

"Girls dolls have gotten smaller waists, larger busts, and less clothing in the last 20-30 years and I don't think that's a reflection of what 5 year olds want, I think it's a reflection of our culture imposing its ideals on young girls."

Now playing

I hurl insults because that's all your response deserved. Of course I did find that just a wee bit ironic considering you summed up my entire first post as "complete B.S." That's just a little bit more than disagreeing, dontcha think? And after that your only contribution was a straw man so straw-y it almost

First, you can lose the straw man, you're not debating with a 12-year-old who can't see through it. I said first world countries have vestiges of "woman as property." If you need help with "vestiges" clearly you know enough about teh Intarwebs to get here so maybe you can find an online dictionary. Objectification

And by bush, you mean 4 leaves. I'm not even sure that qualifies as a branch.