
Taking it out of cultural context and into some kind of academic, theoretical discussion about equality in a totally isolated bubble might be an entertaining mind game, but doesn't do anything for the real world, where sexual inequality still exists and society is organized around patriarchy. Even culture and society

"Like, I like to wear makeup/do my hair/paint my nails/get dressed up, but that doesn't make me any less of a real woman than someone who goes bare-faced with Birkenstocks every day."

"The Mistake: Flaring the arms.

"Sony have shown absolutely NO signs that they CHOSE not to include any women."

Looks like Transformers + Battleship + Godzilla, but without the meaningful character development and emotional gravitas of those movies.

Alphas is solid.

"I signed no contract, and there is no contract to sign or even agree to."

No, no, you're right. You should continue to use Cato, not at all a "mouthpiece with an agenda". No, sir.

"They've already dedicated their time and efforts to be able to do a certain type of work, and you want to put a gun to their heads and force them to use the skills they've built over a lifetime without profiting at all from any of that expended life [ . . . said no universal health care system in the world.]"

Societies are collective social contracts. We decide all the time what collective good taxes should be used for. It is a voluntary association that one may sever. Taxation is not theft, which is exactly the direction these "point of a gun" arguments start heading towards.

I just got done with "Conscience of a Liberal" by Paul Krugman, and he made similar points in his moral and economic argument for universal health care. The figures he quoted roughly matched yours.

For crying out loud . . . please, please read something other than Creationist propaganda.

Don't be stupid. God's plan. Case closed.

Too bad the print is not available for purchase.

"We would argue that comparing Titanic to G.I. Joe is like comparing [donkey assholes] to donkey assholes, but we're not running a studio."

Saw The Lorax on Sunday, don't get all the hate. Yah I thought the O'Hare stuff was crap but there was enough else and the overall message was solid. Kids loved it and The Once-ler's remorse came off genuine enough for me even if they tried too hard at the beginning to make him come off as a likeable doofus (another

This is not showing on my Dish guide for Toon (channel 176), 10 am on Saturday. Showing Green Lantern. Guide just not updated? What's up?

I dunno, if this guy kept repetitively making choices in the story that resulted in the character he was playing engaging in gay romance . . .

It's pretty simple, actually. No one forces you down the gay relationship choices in the game. You can avoid it completely. So it bothers you that, what, someone else might play the game and actually choose those options?

To Philip's original response to your point though there seems to be a sigh degree of disagreement over what rates produce the most beneficial effects. It is not surprise that conservative think tanks would push a number like 25% (I'm sure not coincidentally a similar figure to the 26% calculated by the American