
There are so many things wrong with what you've written it is hard to know where to begin.

My daughter is 8, almost 9, and I'm pretty sure most of this would be beyond her ability to grasp right now. I'm definitely bookmarking this one though for later.

Will this be on BBCA as well?

To "Do no Evil", Web History would be "off" by default.

Being a member of society is a voluntary contract. You pay taxes as part of your contract with the rest of society. If you don't like it, you can try to change it or go somewhere that is more to your liking. If you violate the laws of the society in which you choose to live, that can have consequences that involve

I would be interested to know whether erasing a memory in this way would change the way our behaviors had developed as a reaction to the memory of that event. So hypothetically if I could erase a bad memory from my childhood about, say, a house fire that is the likely source of an irrationally-heightened fear of

Yah, that's not the original. #fail.

"I see what you're trying to do here, however there is a growing belief system among some Christians that are integrating modern science with faith."

Yah, gonna have to disagree on this one. That movie is awesome.

@HarbingeR You mean for pointing out what you wrote is gibberish? Science works nothing in the way you implied, and maybe creating a false equivalence between science and religion makes you feel better about your own faith but don't expect people who better understand how science works to pat you on the back for it.

Is it ironic that I can't access the Bricoleur link to tell me more about how bad SOPA is because they've taken themselves offline in protest of SOPA?

"Science is nothing more than the major Institutionalized Religion of the Enlightened Age demanding faith in theories and hypothesis that might never be proven but will come to be accepted as explanations for the wondrous universe we inhabit. "

If I believed in Hell, I'd say you were definitely going for putting Asimov in the same sentence as Lucas.

To pretend that anything Bradley Manning did in any minute way could have in any version of reality resulted in the overthrow of the United States government is completely and wholly ridiculous on its face. To the point where it is bizarre you included it. Also, nothing of what you posted has anything to do with the

SO, yah, that was a picture of Rom @ 2:17 right? I have just one of his comics from that period, but I also had the toy. It was win.

Fair enough perspective to take. To each his own :)

Guess it just took a while to moderate. Don't want to call the guy out for something I was impatient about. #corrections

I crossposted to his blog, and apparently my comment was not approved. Weak.

I think this is a bad idea at young ages (I have 2 girls aged 8 and 5), because what ends up happening is that the kids then start thinking up all kinds of crazy ideas for things they can charge people for and they end up hitting up family and neighbors too much. This is especially true in the summertime regarding